Friday 21 February 2020

Battle in Bangor Army Lists

The IHL returns this weekend with potentially it's biggest tournament to date at the Battle in Bangor held at Exploding Dice Tabletop Gaming in Bangor, Co. Down. This is an 850 point tournament and is the first to be held here using the new Matched Play scenarios (5 of which will be used in total) and the new FAQ restrictions, so we'll see if that shakes up the meta. Please note that the 20/02/20 FAQ update is not in effect for this tournament due to it being released after the army list submission deadline.

Firstly, the breakdown of army lists shows great variety with many wonderfully themey and varied choices. Good hold a slight advantage in representation over Evil in a continuation of the trend seen so far this year. The alliance status shows that only 1 army falls below a Historical Alliance, with 0 Convenient Alliances and 1 Impossible. Looking at the rest of the lists there's an even split of Pure armies and Historical Alliances and a decent amount of Legendary Legions (mostly Rohan based ones, which is not surprising considering the multitude of Legions available to them.

Because there are a total of 21 army list and several of these have become regulars on the IHL scene this season I'm only going to offer my short review on the armies that haven't been seen so regularly here.

Ivan Sheehan
Halls of Thranduil

Warband 1
Thranduil with bow, additional Elven-made sword, heavy armour, circlet of King + horse
6 Mirkwood Elves with shield
1 Mirkwood Elf with glaive + banner
1 Mirkwood Cavalry with shield.
7 Palace Guard, shield, spear
3 Mirkwood Sentinels
Warband 2
Tauriel with bow
6 Mirkwood Elves with shield
6 Mirkwood Elves with glaive + Elf bow
Warband 3
Legolas on horse
3 Mirkwood Cavalry with shield

Elves are generally a solid choice at the moment and here we have a Mirkwood army with good numbers and great heroes to lead them. Thranduil is a good leader to lead the line with Palace Guard backing up the armoured Mirkwood Elves offering a solid fighting force.

Matt Hamill

Rivendell and White Council


Elrond, Heavy armour and Horse
5 Rivendell Knights with shields
4 Elves swords
4 elves bow and spears
4 Elves spear and shield
1 Elf Banner, shield and spear
4 elves bow and spears
4 elves swords
2 elves shield and spears
2 Elves spears
Warband 3
Saruman The White on Horse

As I said above, Elves are good at the moment. Here we have Rivendell Elves with Elrond, Cirdan and Saruman giving a multitude of magical options.

Dave Chambers

Minas Tirith and Fiefdoms

Warband One

Prince Imrahil with armoured horse + lance
5 Knights of Dol Amroth with armoured horse + lance
Warband Two
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower with The Fleg of Minas Tirith, horse + shield 
2 Guards of the Fountain Court with shield 
6 Osgiliath Veterans with shield + spear 
1 Osgiliath Veteran with shield 
Warband Three 
Madril, Captain of Ithilien 
8 Rangers of Gondor with spear 
2 Guards of the Fountain Court with shield 
Warband Four
Hurin the Tall, Warden of the Keys on horse 
3 Knights of Minas Tirith with shield

The combination of Imrahil and Boromir with the banner makes the Dol Amroth Knights F6 which makes for a hugely threatening cavalry charge. You do not want to be standing in their way.

Dan Ahern

The Witch-King of Angmar with Crown of Morgul, 3 Might, 3 Fate, 20 Will, Morgul Blade and Fell Beast 
4 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield 
3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spear 
1 Angmar Orc Warrior with banner 
2 Angmar Orc Warriors with two-handed weapon 
2 Angmar Warg Riders with shield 
1 Cave Troll with hand-and-a-half hammer 
1 Dead March Spectre 
1 Wild Warg 
The Tainted on horse 
5 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield 
5 Angmar Orc Warriors with spear 
2 Angmar Orc Warriors with two-handed weapon
1 Dead March Spectre 
1 Wild Warg 
1 Barrow-Wight 
3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield 
2 Angmar Orc Warriors with spear 
1 Barrow-Wight 
3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield
3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spear 
1 Dead March Spectre

This Angmar army has a lot of magical potential to stop enemy heroes in their tracks with 2 Wraiths and 2 Barrow Wights. Then there's a large mass of terror causing orcs to back them up.

Dave Murphy

Warband One
7 Black Numenoreans, 
1 Black Numenorean with banner 
7 Orc Warriors with spear + shield
Warband Two
Orc Captain on Warg with shield
5 Black Numenoreans
5 Orc Warriors with spear + shield
2 Orc Trackers (1 on Warg).

Warband Three
Orc Captain on Warg with shield
5 Black Numenoreans
5 Orc Warriors with spear + shield,
2 Orc Trackers (1 on Warg)

Mike Bradford
Azog's Legion, Azog's Hunters and Dol Guldur

Warband One:
Azog on the White Warg with heavy armour + stone flail
1 War Bat.
Bolg on Fell Warg with Orc bow and Morgul arrows
The Necromancer
Abysmal Knight (Rodney)
Abysmal Knight (Dave)

Azog and Bolg are two fearsome combatants and when combined with the Necromancer and a pair of Wraiths will be formidable. PS. Love the names of the Abysmal Knights.

Martin Metcalf
Return of the King

Warband 1
Aragorn - Strider.(leader). 
2 warriors of the dead, shield. 
1 warrior of the dead, spear and shield. 
Warband 2
King of the Dead. 
1 warrior of the dead, banner and shield. 
2 warriors of the dead
1 warrior of the dead, spear and shield. 
Warband 3
Herald of the Dead, shield.
2 warriors of the dead, shield. 
1 warrior of the dead, spear and shield. 
Warband 4
Legolas, armour. 
2 warriors of the dead, shield. 
1 rider of the dead. 
Warband 5
2 warriors of the dead, spear and shield. 
2 riders of the dead. 

Stephen Devlin
The Serpent Horde & Mordor

Warband One
Suladan on armoured horse, 
8 Serpent Riders, 
2 Watchers of Karna with twin blades, 
2 Abrakhan Merchant Guards and 
2 Haradrim Warriors with bows with poisoned arrows and spears.
Warband Two
Betrayer on Fellbeast
15 Haradrim Warriors with bows with poisoned arrows and spears.
Warband Three
3 Watchers of Karna with twin blades, 
2 Abrakhan Merchant Guards, 
Haradrim Warrior with bows with poisoned arrows and spear
1 Haradrim Warrior with warhorn.
Warband Four
The Witch-King on horse with Morgul Crown, 2 Might, 10 Will & 2 Fate

Mike Wilson
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood

Warband 1
Spider Queen
Bat Swarm
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 2
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 3
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 4
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 5
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 6
5 Mirkwood Spiders
Warband 7
5 Mirkwood Spiders

That's a lot of spiders. Hope no one has arachnophobia.

Colleen McConnell

Warband 1
1 Ent
Warband 2
1 Ent
Warband 3
1 Ent

Great themed army and 6 ents could prove challenging to face given the right scenario.

Micheal Bunting
Rivendell and the White Council

Warband One
Elrond on horse with heavy armour, 
6 High Elf Warriors with shield, 
3 High Elf Warriors with spear + shield
5 High Elf Warriors with Elf bow + spears.
Warband Two
Gil Galad on horse with shield 
9 King's Guards with spear + shield, 
4 High Elf Warriors with Elf bow + shield 
High Elf Warrior with shield, spear + banner.
Warband Three
Galadriel, Lady of Light.

Gerard Bunting

Warband 1
18 Moria Goblins with shield (9 also with spear)
Warband 2
15 Moria Goblins with shield (4 also with spear and 4 also with spear + bow)
Warband 3
8 Moria Goblins with shield
(4 with also spear)
Cave Troll with with hand and a half hammer and a Troll Chain
1 Bat Swarm
1 Warg Marauder

Paddy McCormick
Riders of Éomer 

Warband 1

Eomer, Marshall of the Riddermark on Horse with shield and throwing spears

8x Riders of Rohan (7x with throwing spears & 1x with banner)

Warband 2:

Gandalf the White on Shadowfax

8x Riders of Rohan (All with throwing spears)
Warband 3:
Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan on Horse
3x Westfold Redshields (All with throwing spears)
Warband 4:
Captain of Rohan on Horse with bow, heavy armour, shield and throwing spears

The first time one of the new Legendary Legions from War in Rohan has appeared in the IHL. The Look to the Sun special rule could certainly provide a devastating cavalry charge by helping the Rohirim to win their combats. 

Chris Gill
Last Alliance

Warband 1

Elrond with Heavy Armour 
5 High Elf Warriors with Elf bows (2 with spear as well)
Warband 2
Gil-galad with Shield 
6 Kings Guards with spear + shields
1 High Elf with Banner + shield
Warband 3

1 High Elf Warrior with shield

Warband 4
Elendil with shield
5 Numenoreans with Spear and Shield

The Last Alliance contains some of the top heroes available in Elrond, Gil Galad and Elendil and they will be key to this army. Backing them up there's F6 warriors that are a match for many heroes and Cirdan whose magic support is great.

James Latimer

Warband One
El Aurance (Prince Imrahil) on armoured horse with lance.
2 Unicorn Knights (Dol Amroth Knights) on armoured horses with lances.
1 Unicorn Knight (Dol Amroth Kinght) on armoured horse with lance and banner.
6 Men at Arms
Warband Two
Petros the Portly (Forlong) on horse.
4 Axemen of Harmindon (Lossarnach).
Warband Three 
Fergal Fearnaught (Angbor).
6 Clansmen of Velsinir (Lamedon).
Warband Four
Oophir, Desert Wolf (Duinhir).
1 Harnen River Ranger (Blackroot Vale Archer) with warhorn.
2 Harnen River Rangers (Blackroot Vale Archers) with spears.
4 Harnen River Rangers (Blackroot Vale Archers)
Warband Five
Eomaer, Marshall of the Desert (Eomer) on horse with throwing spear.
3 Camel Riders of Rohan (Riders of Rohan) with throwing spears

re. Again the overlapping buffs from the Fiefdoms heroes can potentially make any of these models a dangerous foe.
My favourite army from the Battle on the Plains of Lisburn tournament makes a return he

Sean Magee
Thranduil's Halls and Iron Hills

Thranduil with horse, Circlet, heavy armor and extra Elven made sword 

5 Palace Guards with spear 

1 Wood Elf Sentinel

2 Mirkwood Cavalry 

3 Mirkwood Elves with shield

Warband 2 

Legolas on horse

3 Mirkwood Elves with shield
5 Mirkwood Elves with glaive and bow
Warband 3
Dain with pig
6 Iron Hills Dwarves with spear
4 Iron Hills Dwarves with crossbow
1 Iron Hills Dwarf with banner

More Elves, this time allied with Dwarves to provide a rock solid defensive wall. Another Legolas, who is proving popular and will certainly be dangerous in Assassination. What's the plural of Legolas? Legolases? Legoli?

Kevin Rothwell
Army list – Mordor

Warband 1
Witch King of Angmar (3-19-3) on Fell Beast with Crown of Morgul
3 x Morgul Knights
Warband 2
Khamul the Easterling  on Fellbeast
3 x Morgul Knights
Warband 3
Dark Marshall on horse
3 x Morgul Knights
Warband 4
Shadow Lord  on Horse
2 x Morgul Knights

4 (yes four) named Wraiths including 2 Fellbeasts should give a lot of threat potential, both magical and combat oriented. Terror causing lance armed cavalry could also cause issues for the enemy provided the low numbers don't present a problem.

Dave Coleman
Riders of Theoden 

Warband 1
Theoden, Armoured Horse, Shield 
6 Royal Guard, 6 Throwing Spears
3 Riders of Rohan, 3 Throwing Spears 
Warband 2
Eomer, Armoured Horse, Shield
Warband 3
Elfhelm, Horse 
Warband 4
Deorwine, Horse
Warband 5
Gamling, Horse, Royal Standard
Warband 6
Captain of Rohan, Horse, Shield, Heavy Armour
Warband 7
Captain of Rohan, Horse, Shield, Heavy Armour

Gerard O'Brien
Dark Powers of Dol Guldur

Warband 1
The Necromancer.
Warband 2
The Witch-King.
Warband 3
The Lingering Shadow.
Warband 4
The Forsaken.
Warband 5
The Dark Headsman.
Warband 6
Abysmal Knight.
Warband 7
Abysmal Knight.
Warband 8 
Slayer of Men.
Warband 9
Slayer of Men.

This is an army that I actually know very little about so can't really judge what it's possible strengths could be, but it's a great themed army anyway.

Andrew Bailey
Riders of Theoden

Warband One

Theoden on armoured horse with shield and heavy armour.
6 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears.
Warband Two
Eomer on armoured horse with shield.
6 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears.
1 Rider of Rohan with banner.
Warband Three
Deorwine on horse.
2 Rohan Royal Guards on horses with throwing spears.
Warband Four
Gamling on horse with Rohan Royal Standard.
Warband Five
Elfhelm on horse.
2 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears.

Warband Six

Dernhelm with throwing spear

Ian Hutchinson
Halls of Thranduil and Survivors of Laketown 

Warband One
Thranduil with heavy armour + extra Elven-made sword.
1 Mirkwood Elf with banner
8 Mirkwood Elves with shield
8 Palace Guards with spear + shield
Warband Two
Legolas with Elven cloak
4 Mirkwood Cavalry with shield
4 Mirkwood Elves with Elf bow
Warband Three
Gandalf the Grey on horse
5 Laketown Militia with bow + spear
7 Laketown Militia with shield
2 Laketown Militia with shield + spear

More Mirkwood Elves, again led by Thranduil. This time however we have Laketown allies, providing numbers, and Gandalf, who brings his excellent magic support.

So there we have all the lists. Just who will come out on top we'll find out over the weekend.

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