Tuesday 16 June 2020

Thorin's Company Showcase

"I would take each and every one of these Dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills. For when I called upon them, they answered. Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart... I can ask no more than that."

My first introduction to Middle Earth came back when my primary school teacher read my class The Hobbit and ever since then I have had a soft spot for the book. I even quite like the film's (shock horror).

The Company just defines the story of the Hobbit, and even though I know they will never be the strongest army around I love getting a chance to use them on the table. I took them to my first IHL tournament and to several since and despite their underwhelming results I've never wished I'd taken something else.

Over the years there's been several notable tales of heroism from the Company, from taking down a Mumak in their first game (and my first game in several years) to Ori getting the title of IHL's Most Wanted.

Despite this love affair with Thorin and the Company I had never actually finished painting the full Company, due primarily to my painfully slow painting speed and other projects taking priority. However, I finally got around to finishing painting up the 14 members of Thorin's Company*.

I had considered adding in a tactica guide on using Thorin's Company into this article, but in my opinion, using the reasons for using this force are more to have fun rather than be really competitive and having fun doesn't require a tactica.

*For those eagle eyed readers who notice that there's no Gandalf, technically he wasn't a part of the Company, hence the need for a lucky 14th member in the form of Bilbo and I am theming this force around the Laketown scenes from Desolation of Smaug with an allied contingent of Laketown Guards, when Gandalf was absent doing wizardy things.

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, always like reading tactics so go ahead! As a player myself of a Company+Laketown green alliance I love reading about dos and donts, and what dwarves to take, where Bilbo should be, etc...
