Thursday 9 April 2020

Quest of the Ringbearer - Predictions

Recently Games Workshop announced that the next book to be released for ME:SBG was going to be The Quest of the Ringbearer and that it would contain 6 new Legendary Legions. This news has sparked a lot of speculation regarding what those new Legions will be and I was reading an article about this speculation over on the excellent Drawn Combat blog ( and started to speculate myself on what could be coming. Firstly let's take a look at what the guys at Drawn Combat thought and give my own thoughts before offering my own speculation.

The Battle in Balin's Tomb

I like the look of this one, a horde of Goblins, drums in the deep and a buffed up Cave Troll feels very iconic from the Fellowship of the Ring. I'm less certain if the Blackshields will be included purely because they are a Games Workshop invention that wasn't seen in the film.

Lurtz's Scouts

Another Legion that I can see being included in the new book and I like the special rules suggested in that post. However, Mauhur shouldn't be a part of this Legion as he only joined up with the Scouts after the death of Lurtz.

Defenders of Osgiliath

Much and all as I like this idea I don't think we'll see a Legion like this in the new book simply because it's too similar to the Rangers of Ithilien legion in Gondor at War. At most I can see that legion getting an update to include Anborn and Mablung. Cool idea though.

The Black Riders

If the Black Riders don't get a Legendary Legion in this book then I'll be very disappointed, it's just so iconic of the Fellowship of the Ring. The rules suggested by Drawn Combat do fit the theme of the army very, although I think that Cry of the Nazgul will see a return from the old Fellowship of the Ring Journey Book which is similar to one of the rules suggested here. I also don't think that horses will be mandatory, the Ring Wraiths most iconic scene (Weathertop) sees them being on foot.
PS. I also think and hope that we'll see a plastic Ring Wraith foot and mounted kit as part of the model releases for this supplement. Possibly with the option to make either a generic Wraith or the Witchking.

So onto my speculations.

Cirith Ungol

Mordor Orc Captain
Mordor Uruk Hai Captain
Mordor Orcs
Mordor Uruk Hai

Additional rules

This Legion must include Shagrat and Gorbag, one of which must be the Leader.
Mordor Orcs and Uruk Hai can only be taken in warbands led by their respective heroes.
Gollum does not have the One Ring when taken as part of this Legendary Legion.

Special Rules
"The scum tried to knife me."

Keep a track of the kill tallies of Shagrat and Gorbag. If Shagrat has more kills then all Orcs get +1 to wound. If Gorbag has more kill then all Uruk Hai get +1 to wound.

Her Sneak

Shelob and Gollum can be taken in a single Warband with Shelob as the Warband leader. Also if Gollum is engaged in a combat within 3 inches of Shelob then she may call a Heroic Combat without expending Might. If the Heroic Combat is successful then Shelob must use the following movement to join Gollum's combat or move as close to Gollum as possible if that is not possible.

This suggested Legion is aims to show the rivalry between the two groups stationed in Cirith Ungol with the "The scum tried to knife me" special rule giving bonuses to the opposite side of whichever leader is doing better. I also wanted to add something to Shelob to replicate the agreement she had with Gollum where he had promised to bring her food, hence the free Heroic Combats to allow her to hunt down more prey.

As for new models, on top of the two new Ranger Anborn and Mablung already announced and the plastic Ring Wraiths mentioned above I think we might see:

Plastic Fellowship Hobbits


There's 4 more named Orcs or Uruks that Frodo and Sam encounter in Cirith Ungol; Lagduf, Muzgash, Radbug and Snaga (yes, a different one to one in Rohan at War). If these are created I'd expect them to be added to a Cirith Ungol legion, I just didn't want to give away any spoilers above.

And for the ones more in hope than expectation; Barliman Butterbur, Albert Dreary, Harry Goatleaf and Bree Militia as part of a new Bree army list.

So those are my thoughts on what could be on the way, what do think we'll see?

And a special thanks to the guys at Drawn Combat for giving me permission to write a reply to their article and for creating great content in general.

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