Saturday 28 January 2023

Battles on the Coast - Podium Review


As the dust settles from the Battles on the Coast tournament and Irish Hobbit League Season Opener, it's time to take a look at the winning lists.

3rd place
David Coleman
Lothlorien/Fellowship (Green Alliance)

Warband 1
Leader - Galadriel
8x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
1x Galadhrim Warrior w/shield, spear and banner
5x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows, spears
3x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Sentinel

Warband 2
Celeborn w/ Armour, shield sword
1x Galadhrim knight w/shield
6x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
3x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows and spears
4x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Wood elf w/bow

Warband 3
Boromir of Gondor on horse w/shield

36 models

In 3rd place was Dave Coleman with this Lothlorien and Fellowship Alliance. Due to the high points cost of Elves (and especially heroes) Elf armies are typically on the smaller scale, however, here Dave manages to retain reasonable numbers and this was the largest of all the numerous Elven armies at this event. This reduces the threat of being heavily outnumbered and overrun by much larger armies. Allying in Boromir from the Fellowship list provides a very economical combat hero with a huge 6 points of Might, which provides a huge benefit to the Elves.

2nd place
Michael Bradford
Assault on Lothlorien (Legendary Legion)

Warband 1:
(Leader) Druzhag
1 x Bat Swarm
2 x Giant Spider
6 x Goblin Prowler
6 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 2:
1 x Bat Swarm
4 x Giant Spider
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 3:
1 x Bat Swarm
1 x Orc Warrior with Banner
3 x Orc Warrior with Spear

Warband 4:
Goblin Shaman  
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow
1 x Wild Warg

Warband 5:
Goblin Shaman
1 x Wild Warg

52 models

In 2nd place was Micheal Bradford with the Assault upon Lothlorien Legendary Legion. This has become known as a powerful army ever since its arrival in Defence of the North, with several options of build. In this case the army makes maximum use of the Cover of Darkness special rule, which reduces shooting ranges but makes ranged hits more deadly unless a model has the Cave Dweller rule. Here a large number of Goblin Archers are able to become a huge threat by having a longer range than any opposing archers and getting +1 on wound rolls. And this increased ranged firepower is further augmented at shorter ranges by the 16 Throwing Weapons of the Goblin Prowlers who also benefit from the +1 to wound. Overall a very frightening prospect to face.

1st place
Ivan Sheehan
Halls of Thranduil and Survivors of Laketown.

Warband 1
Leader - Thranduil, extra sword, circlet of kings, heavy armour, bow, horse.
2 mirkwood cavalry, shield.
6 mirkwood elves, shield.
5 palace guard, spear, shield.
2 sentinels.
1 elf, banner, glaive, bow.

Warband 2
Tauriel, bow.
5 elves, shield.
6 elves, glaive, bow.

Warband 3
Legolas, horse

Warband 4
Laketown survivors captain. Shield

31 models

And winning this tournament (picking up exactly where he left off last year) was Ivan Sheehan with this Thranduil's Halls and Survivors of Laketown Alliance. The 3 Elven heroes here provide plenty of utility, they are all very competent in combat, each have some ranged threat and Thranduil himself helps buff the rest of the army and brings a little bit of magical support from his Circlet of Kings. Armoured Elven Warriors are generally a great troops choice (hence their popularity across this tournament) and this is particularly enhanced in Thranduil's Halls thanks to the army bonus which improves their damage potential, an area that S3 Elves traditionally struggled with. The addition of a Laketown Militia Captain is an interesting one, but one that provides Heroic March and a cheap source of extra Might for calling Heroic actions, allowing the other heroes to save their Might for combat.

Congratulations to the 3 winners as well as to Patrick Mccormick who won Best Painted, Nicky Forsythe for winning Best Themed and Christopher Cornhill for winning Best Opponent. Also thanks to Connor Glover for TOing what I hear was a fantastic tournament and I'll leave you with a few photos from the weekend. 
Best Painted - Patrick Mccormick's Angmar 

Best Themed - Nicky Forsythe's Dunland 

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