Saturday 17 September 2022

Journey to the Emerald Isle - Army Lists

This weekend the Irish Hobbit League hosts one of its largest events of the year, the Journey to the Emerald Isle. This is a 700 point Good vs Evil event, run by Dave Murphy at Exploding Dice Games in Bangor. Taking a quick look at the army overview we can see that single faction armies and Legendary Legions dominate the the popularity charts compared with traditional alliances. 

Now with 16 players each bringing 2 armies we have a lot to get through. 

James McKernan.

Men of the West (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader):

• Aragorn, King Elessar.

• 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith with spears and shields.

Warband Two:

• Legolas.

Warband Three:

• Gimli.

Warband Four:

• Captain of Minas Tirith.

• 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith with banner, spear, and shield.

• 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields.

• 4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields and spears.

Warband Five:

• Beregond.

• 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith with bows.

Assault Upon Helms Deep (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader):

• Uruk-Hai Commander with shield.

• 8 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes.

• 9 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields.

Warband Two:

• Uruk-Hai Captain.

• 1 Uruk-Hai Warrior with pike and banner.

• 5 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes.

• 8 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields.

Warband Three:

• Uruk-Hai Captain.

• 4 Uruk-Hai Berserkers.

Warband Four:

• Isengard Assault Ballista.

Up first we have a pair of Legendary Legions in the Men of the West and Assault on Helms Deep. While Men of the West isn't considered to be a strong legion it does boast some powerful heroes in the 3 Hunters and Assault on Helms Deep is always dangerous with its Ballista. 

Mike Bradfor

Army of Laketown & Thorin's Company (Green Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Gandalf the Grey on horse.

• Bombur.

Warband Two

• Bard with armour and horse.

• Sigrid & Tilda.

• 6 Laketown Guards with bows.

• 7 Laketown Guards with spears.

Warband Three

• Master

• 2 Laketown Guards

• 4 Laketown with bows

• 9 Laketown with spears

Warband Four

• Alfrid - 20

• 3 Laketown Guards with bows

• 6 Laketown Guards with spears

Assault on Lothlorien (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Druzhag

• 1 Giant Bat Swarm

• 7 Moria Goblin Prowlers

• 7 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows and spears

Warband Two

• Muzgur

• 1 Orc Warrior with Banner

• 4 Wild Wargs

• 5 Orc Warriors with spears

Warband Three

• Ashrak

• 1 Giant Bat Swarm

• 4 Venomback Giant Spiders

• 5 Moria Goblin Prowlers

• 5 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows and spears

Warband 4 -

• Moria Goblin Shaman

• 4 Moria Goblin Prowlers

• 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows and spears

I'm always pleased when I see Thorin's Company on a army list and here they are supporting a Lake Town army to provide magical support and buffs to their allies. And the Assault on Lothlorien will be hoping that the darkness will help them shooting down their opponents. 

Gerard Bunting

Iron Hills and Halls of Thranduil (Green Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Thranduil with heavy armour and extra Elven-made sword.

• 2 Mirkwood Cavalry with shields.

• 5 Mirkwood Elves with Elf bows.

• 5 Mirkwood Elves with shields.

• 4 Mirkwood Elves with Elven-made glaives.

• 1 Mirkwood Elf with Elven-made glaive and banner.

Warband Two:

• Dain Ironfoot on War Boar.

• 15 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears and shields.

Moria and Dark Denizens of Mirkwood (Orange Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Balrog.

• 9 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields.

• 9 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

Warband Two

• Moria Goblin Captain.

• 6 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields.

• 6 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

Warband Three

• Spider Queen.

• 1 Giant Bat Swarm.

Here's a pair of alliances built around powerful heroes. Thranduil and Dain head a Battle of the Five Armies themed list for Good and the Evil armies are led the Spider Queen and one of the biggest heroes, the Balrog. 

Colleen Bunting

Fangorn (Single Faction)

Warband One (Leader)

• Treebeard with Merry & Pippin.

• 1 Ent.

Warband Two

• Beechbone.

Warband Three

• Quickbeam.

Barad-Dur (Single Faction)

Warband One (Leader)

• The Dark Lord Sauron.

• 10 Orc Warriors with shields.

• 9 Orc Warriors with spears and shields.

• 1 Orc Warrior with spear, shield and banner.

Warband Two

• Ringwraith with 2 Might, 7 Will and 2 Fate.

• 5 Orc Warriors with shields.

• 5 Orc Warriors with spears and shields.

• 1 Orc Tracker.

Speaking of big heroes, next we have the Ents of Fangorn and the Dark Lord himself. Both these lists are highly dependent on how well these big models perform. 

Michael Bunting

Minas Tirith, Lothorien and the White Council (Orange Alliance)

Warband One (Leader):

• King of Men.

• 10 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields.

• 5 Rangers of Gondor.

Warband Two

• Haldir with Elf bow.

• 8 Galadhrim Warriors with spears and shields.

• 1 Guard of the Galadhrim Court Guard.

• 5 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf bows and Wood Elf spears.

Warband Three

• Celeborn with Elven-made hand and a half sword.

• Galadriel, Lady of Light.

Mordor and Angmar (Red Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• The Shadow Lord.

• 7 Orc Warriors with shields.

• 7 Orc Warriors with shields and spears.

Warband Two

• Orc Taskmaster.

• 5 Orc Warriors with shields.

• 3 Orc Warriors with shields and spears.

• 1 Orc Warrior with shield, spear and banner.

• 1 Orc Warrior with spear.

Warband Three

• Great Beast of Gorgoroth.

Warband Four

• Gulavhar.

Micheal is a player who is well known for bringing more unusual alliances and he's stayed true to form here. Bringing Minas Tirith into an elf list helps to increase the model count of this Good force and Gulavhar brings a big scary threat into the Mordor force. 

Alex Neaves

Dale Legendary Legion

Warband One (Leader) 

• King Brand 

• 6 Dale Knights 

• 7 Dale Warriors with spear and shield 

• 1 Dale Warrior with banner 

Warband Two

• Prince Bard 

• 6 Dale Knights 

• 7 Dale Warriors with spear and shield 

• 1 Dale Warrior with banner 

Warband Three 

• Dale captain with Esgaroth bow

• 12 Dale Warriors with Esgaroth bow 

Ugluk's Scouts (Legendary Legion)

Warband One 

• Ugluk 

• 6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bow

• 1 Uruk-Hai Scout with banner

Warband Two 

• Mahur

• 5 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bow

• 6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields

• 1 Uruk-Hai Scout with banner

Warband 3

• Grishnak with shield

• 10 Orc Warriors with spear and shield

• 2 Orc Warriors with 2 handed weapons

Warband 4

• Snaga

• 10 Orc Warriors with spear and shield

Warband 5 

• Uruk-Hai Scout Captain with Uruk bow

•  5 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bow

Back to the more regular fair of Legendary Legions. Here we have the still relatively fresh Army of Dale led by their King and Prince and the Ugluk's Scouts Legion, which has been shown to be a winning army in the right hands. 

Max Small

Azog's Hunters (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• Bolg on Fell Warg

• 9 Hunter Orcs

• 3 Hunter Orcs with two-handed weapons

• 1 Hunter Orc with banner

Warband Two

• Fimbul on Fell Warg

• 2 Fell Wargs

Warband Three

• Yazneg on Fell Warg with lance

• 9 Hunter Orcs

• 3 Hunter Orcs with two-handed weapons

Warband Four

• Narzug

• 12 Hunter Orcs with Orc bows.

Kingdom of Khazad-Dum (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• Durin

• 11 Hearthguards

Warband Two

• King's Champion

• 5 Dwarf Warriors with shield

• 5 Iron Guards

Warband Three

• Dwarf Captain with shield

• 4 Dwarf Warriors with shield

• 4 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf bow

Durin and 11 Hearthguards will really pack a hefty punch for this Khazad-Dum army. Meanwhile Hunter Orcs are also able to deal some damage thanks to their Many Blades and Bolg is one of the most fearsome around.

Connor Whitla

Halls of Thranduil

Warband One

• Thranduil on Elk with heavy armour, extra Elven-made sword, and the Circlet of Kings.

• 4 Mirkwood Cavalry.

Warband Two

• Mirkwood Elf Captain

• 2 Mirkwood Elves with shield.

• 4 Mirkwood Elves with Elven-made glaives.

• 4 Mirkwood Rangers.

Warband Three

• Tauriel with Elven bow

• 2 Mirkwood Elves with shield.

• 2 Mirkwood Elves with Elven-made glaives.

• 3 Mirkwood Elves with Elf bows and Elven-made glaives.

• 5 Mirkwood Rangers.

Azog's Legion

Warband One

• Azog on the White Warg with heavy armour and Stone Flail.

• 2 Gundabad Berserkers with two-handed picks

• 6 Gundabad Orcs with shield.

• 5 Gundabad Orcs with spear and shield.

• 1 Gundabad Orc with banner, spear, and shield

Warband Two

• Bolg on the Fell Warg

• 5 Gundabad Orcs with shield

• 6 Gundabad Orcs with spear and shield

Featuring both Azog and Bolg this Azog's Legion army is bringing the most powerful Orcs in Middle-Earth, able to tackle armies on their own. And as mentioned above, Thranduil is certainly no slouch himself, especially when backed up by an army of elves. 

Christopher Cornhill

Minas Tirith (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• Denethor.

• 3 Citadel Guards with spears.

• 3 Citadel Guards with longbows.

Warband Two

• Boromir, Captain of the White Tower on horse with shield and Banner of Minas Tirith.

• 6 Knights of Minas Tirith with shields.

• 4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields.

• 4 Warriors of Minas Tirith with spears and shields.

• 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow.

Warband Three

• Irolas.

• 4 Guards of the Fountain Court.

Warband Four

• Faramir on horse with heavy armour and lance.

• 1 Osgiliath Veteran with bow.

• 1 Osgiliath Veteran with shield.

• 1 Osgiliath Veteran with spear.

Isengard (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• Saruman on horse.

• Grima Wormtongue.

• 8 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields.

• 8 Uruk-Hai Warriors with pikes 

• 1 Uruk-Hai Warrior with banner.

Warband Two

• Uruk-Hai Shaman 

• 6 Uruk-Hai Berserkers

Warband 3 

• Uruk-Hai Captain with shield.

• 6 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows

• 2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with shields

Minas Tirith is one of my favourite factions and here we have Boromir with the Banner providing a huge buff to the defenders of the white city. Uruk-Hai are a very dependable troop option due to solid statlines and should be a difficult army to breakdown. 

Connor Kerr 

Isengard and Mordor (Convenient Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Saruman on horse

• Grima on horse

• 1 Crebain

• 2 Uruk-Hai Warriors with crossbows

• 1 Uruk-hai Warrior with pike

• 2 Uruk-hai Warriors with shields

• 3 Uruk-hai Berserkers

• 1 Orc Warrior with banner, spear, and shield

• 2 Orc Warriors with shields

• 4 Orc Warriors with spears and shields

• 1 Warg Rider with shield and throwing spears

Warband Two

• Gothmog on Warg with shield

• 7 Morannon Orcs with shields

• 8 Morannon Orcs with shields and spears

Kingdom of Moria/Balin's Expedition

Warband One (Leader)

• Balin

• 7 Khazad Guards

• 2 Vault Warden Teams

• 3 Dwarf Warriors with shields

• 3 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf bows

• 1 Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf longbow and throwing axes

Warband Two

• Kings Champion

• 2 Khazad Guards

• 2 Vault Warden Teams

• 3 Dwarf Warriors with shields

• 1 Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf longbow and throwing axes

Warband Three

• Dwarf Shieldbearer

• 6 Iron Guards

Another army led by Saruman, one of the best spellcasters in the game, although this time allied with Gothmog and Mordor. And on the Good side is another Dwarf army, this time led by Balin with plenty of elite troops. 

Peter Fenton

Return of the King (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Aragorn Strider with Anduril

• 1 Rider of the Dead

• 3 Warriors of the Dead with shield

• 4 Warriors of the Dead with shield and spear

Warband 2

• Legolas Greenleaf

• 1 Rider of the Dead

• 2 Warriors of the Dead with shield and spear

Warband 3

• The King of the Dead

• 1 Rider of the Dead

• 1 Warrior of the Dead with banner, shield and spear

• 2 Warriors of the Dead with shield

• 3 Warriors of the Dead with shield and spear

Moria (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• Moria Goblin Captain with shield

• 1 Giant Bat Swarm

• 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields

• 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears

Warband Two

• Grôblog

• 1 Cave Troll with spear

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears

Warband Three

• Moria Goblin Captain with shield

• 5 Moria Goblin Prowlers

• 2 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields

• 2 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears

Warband Four

• Cave Drake

• 1 Giant Bat Swarm

Warband Five

• Moria Goblin Shaman

• Cave Troll with hand and a half hammer

• 2 Moria Prowlers

• 2 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields

Return of the King frequently makes an appearance at tournaments due to its solid reliability stemming from a D8, Terror causing battle line and the leadership of Aragorn. At the opposite end of the spectrum are Moria Goblins, who make up for their lesser quality by bringing more bodies to the Battle.

Nicholas Forsythe

Defenders of Helms Deep (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Theoden with heavy armour and shield

• Haleth

• 3 Rohan Royal Guard with throwing spears

• 3 Rohan Royal Guards

• 6 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears and shields

• 2 Galadhrim Warriors with Elf bows and spears

Warband 2:

• Gamling with Rohan Royal Standard

• Aldor

• 8 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears and shields

• 1 Warrior of Rohan with bow

• 1 Warrior of Rohan with shield                              

Warband 3:

• Legolas with armour and Elven cloak

• 10 Galadhrim Warriors with Elf bows and spears

Evil List: Dark Denizens of Mirkwood 

Warband 1

• Spider Queen

• 3 Giant Bat Swarms

• 2 Mirkwood Spiders

• 4 Giant Spiders

Warband 2

• 3 Mirkwood Spiders

• 2 Giant Spiders

Warband 3

• 2 Mirkwood Spiders

• 3 Giant Spiders

Warband 4

• 2 Mirkwood Spiders

• 3 Giant Spiders

Warband 5

• 3 Mirkwood Spiders

I hope no-one has a phobia of Spiders because this Evil list has a lot of them. And on the Good side we have a Defenders of Helms Deep list with plenty of Elf Bows to take advantage of the extra range provided by the Legion bonuses. 

Luke Hilder

Assault on Lothlorien (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Muzgur.

• 3 Giant Bat Swarms

• 3 Wild Wargs

Warband Two

• Ashrak

• 3 Venomback Giant Spiders

• 2 Moria Goblin Prowlers.

• 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows.

Warband Three

• Moria Goblin Shaman.

• 4 Moria Goblin Prowlers.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows.

Warband Four

• Moria Goblin Shaman.

• 4 Moria Goblin Prowlers.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows.

Warband Five

• Moria Goblin Shaman.

• 4 Moria Goblin Prowlers.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

• 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows.

Rivendell and The Fellowship (Historical Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Elrond on horse with heavy armour.

• 13 Rivendell Knights with shields.

• 1 Rivendell Knight with shield and banner.

Warband Two

• Aragorn, Strider on horse with armour

Another Assault on Lothlorien army with plenty of Moria Goblin Archers hoping to take advantage of the cover of darkness. Meanwhile for Good we have a highly elite force of Rivendell Knights led by Elrond and Aragorn. 

Matt Hamill

Rivendell and the Fellowship (Historical Alliance)

Warband One (Leader)

• Elrond on horse with heavy armour.

• 11 Rivendell Knights with shields.

• 2 Rivendell Knights

• 1 High Elf Warrior with Elf bow

Warband Two

• Aragorn, Strider on horse with armour and Anduril

Mordor (Single Faction List)

Warband One (Leader)

• The Witch-King on Fellbeast with Morgul Crown, 3 Might, 18 Will and 3 Fate.

• 14 Morannon Orcs with shields.

• 1 Morannon Orc with banner and shield

Warband Two

• Khamul on Fellbeast on Fellbeast.

• 10 Morannon Orcs with shields

Warband Three

• Kardush.

• 5 Orc Trackers.

And another very similar Rivendell Knights army with strong hitting power, good shooting and excellent mobility. And for Evil there's a pair of Fell Beasts that will bring a huge double threat to the table. 

Paddy McCormick

Defenders of Helms Deep (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Theoden with heavy armour and shield.

• 4 Rohan Royal Guards with throwing spears.

• 6 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears and shields (and axes).

Warband Two

• Aragorn, Strider with armour.

• Haleth.

• 8 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears and shields (and axes).

Warband Three

• Gamling with Rohan Royal Standard.

• Aldor.

• 10 Galadhrim Warriors with Elf bows and spears.

Pits of Dol Guldur (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Azog on the White Warg.

• 5 Hunter Orcs.

• 4 Hunter Orcs with Orc bows.

• 1 Hunter Orc with Orc bow and war horn.

• 6 Gundabad Orcs with spears and shields.

• 1 Gundabad Orc with banner, spear and shield

• 1 Fell Warg

Warband Two

• Gundabad Orc Captain with shield.

• 2 Hunter Orcs.

• 2 Hunter Orcs with Orc bows.

• 4 Gundabad Orcs with spears and shields.

• 1 Fell Warg.

Warband Three

• Gundabad Orc Captain with shield.

• 2 Hunter Orcs.

• 2 Hunter Orcs with Orc bows.

• 3 Gundabad Orcs with spears and shields.

• 1 Fell Warg.

Onto the penultimate pair of lists and we have the Defenders of Helms Deep and the Pits of Dol Guldur. Both these armies a top class hero in the form of Aragorn and Azog respectively and utilising them effectively will be key to victory. 

Dave Murphy - TO/Bye Buster Lists

The Breaking of the Fellowship (Legendary Legion)

Warband One (Leader)

• Aragorn, Strider with Elven cloak.

• Legolas with Elven cloak. 

• Gimli, Son of Gloin with Elven cloak.

• Boromir of Gondor with shield and Elven cloak.

• Frodo Baggins with Mithril Coat, Sting and Elven cloak.

• Samwise Gamgee with Elven cloak.

• Merriadoc Brandybuck with Elven cloak.

• Peregrin Took with Elven cloak.

Warband One (Leader)

• Lurtz with shield.

• Uruk-Hai Drummer

• Uruk-Hai Scout with banner and shield.

• 4 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

• 7 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

Warband Two

• Ugluk.

• 3 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

• 7 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

Warband Three

• Mauhur.

• 3 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

• 6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

Warband Four

• Uruk-Hai Scout Captain.

• 3 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

• 6 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields

And finally we have the bye-buster lists of the Breaking of the Fellowship and Lurtz’s Scouts. 

So there's all the armies battling for the top spot. Good to everyone. 

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