Saturday 6 August 2022

Looking into Galadriel's Mirror - Predictions for the ME:SBG Preview

"What you will see, if you leave the Mirror free to work, I cannot tell. For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet may be. But which is it that he sees, even the wisest cannot always tell."

Games Workshop announced last weekend that this Sunday they would be holding an online Middle Earth SBG Preview. This has naturally led to a lot of excitement within the community and plenty of speculation about what may be revealed. So I thought it might be fun to join in with my own guesses.

Firstly, I think we'll get a release date of next weekend for the new Orophin and Rumil models from Forgeworld. They were available to buy at the recent Warhammer World Doubles event and therefore cannot be too far away from general release.

Secondly, I think there'll be a big Two Towers theme to this Preview with a Made to Order announced for the 20th anniversary of the film in line with the Fellowship of the Ring one we had recently. This could include sets such as Warg Attack,  Heroes of Helm's Deep, Haldir's Elves (for about the 28th time on MTO*), Merry and Pippin vs Grisnakh, Faramir's Rangers, Uruk-Hai Battering Ram etc.

I think we'll also see the model for Beechbone finally, again in line with a Two Towers theme. This guy has been waiting well over 2 years now for a model (since War in Rohan and a Two Towers themed Preview would be perfect opportunity.

And lastly on the Two Towers theme I think we might see a Helm's Deep terrain piece. This could either be a rerelease of the old Helm's Deep or a new Forgeworld piece,  similar to the Weathertop and Amon Hen ones we've had.

And finally I think the last big announcement will be the next supplement for ME:SBG, which I think will be focusing on the War of the Last Alliance. Focusing on the 2nd Age would allow Games Workshop to capitalise on the hype generated by Amazon's Rings of Power while remaining within the realms of their existing licence and therefore represents on ideal opportunity for Games Workshop. This conflict has huge potential for a large supplement, on a par with Defence of the North and is an era that Games Workshop haven't really explored since the initial creation of the game. This prediction also lines up with the teaser images shown on the Warhammer TV Facebook page this week with both Rivendell (under the leadership of Gil-galad and Elrond) and Lorien (under the command of King Amdir) playing a part in the war against Sauron. I think we'll potentially see one or two models for this supplement such as  Forgeworld Gil-galad and King Amdir models.
Last Alliance on the Slopes of Mount Doom by Oleg Kuzmin

So there's my predictions for tomorrow. Do you think I'm on the money, or what do you think may be revealed?

*I exaggerate, but they do remain a very popular MTO choice. 

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