Saturday 11 June 2022

Honey, I shrunk the Fellowship


Sometime around Christmas last year a close friend came to me and raised the idea of fantasy wargaming in 10mm scale. Now up to now I've only ever played or in 28mm, be it heroic or more true scale, so this would be something very different to what I'm used to. But I'm always up for a challenge, so I started looking at manufacturers of 10mm models and soon discovered a set called Heroes and Halflings that was clearly inspired by the Fellowship of the Ring. And being such a fan of The Lord of the Rings I couldn't possibly pass it up.

Roll forward a few months and I finally got round to finishing painting them. And here they are in all their tiny glory alongside their less tiny selves.

This was a really fun little project to mix up my painting, sometimes a change is as good as a rest as the saying goes. Only trouble is that now I'm seriously tempted to get a bunch of tiny Goblins, a mini Cave Troll and build a pocket sized Balin's Tomb.

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