Wednesday 30 March 2022

Nírnaeth Arnoediad 2022 - Army Lists


The IHL swings back into action this weekend for the Nírnaeth Arnoediad tournament in Underworld Gaming, Dublin. As well as providing points towards the Irish League, this tournament is also a scoring event for the GBHL and counts as the NI Open for Ardacon, offering entry to the Masters Tournament at Ardacon to the winner, so there's a lot to play for. This is also shown by the international representation attending with a total of 8 overseas players making the trip, 6 from Britain and 2 all the way from Belgium.

The tournament is an 800 point event playing 6 games selected using the pools system in the Match Play Guide and is being run by the excellent Michael Bradford.

With 26 players (plus a bye-buster) entered this represents the largest event on the island of Ireland to date, so there's lots of lists to get through. But first a quick overview. Here we can see that Evil is continuing the trend of the last few events in being more popular than Good and that the majority of armies are either Legendary Legions or Pure Factions, with less than 30% including any allies.

Dave Shirra

Thorin’s Company

Warband 1

Thorin Oakenshield with Orcrist and the Oakenshield













13 models

What can I say, I see Thorin's Company and immediately love it. Fingers crossed Dave is able to get all the synergies built into the list working well. Hopefully they make the trip from Britain worth it.

Michael Bunting 


Warband 1

Dragon + Breathe Fire + Fly (Leader)

Bat Swarm

Warband 2

Dragon + Breathe fire + fly

Bat Swarm

4 models

Just 4 models here, but when 2 of them are dragons they'll be a force to be reckoned with. A pair of Bat Swarms add to that threat by neutralizing the enemies powerful heroes.

James Williams

Rangers of Mirkwood LL

Warband 1

Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood: Elven Cloak (Leader)

15 Mirkwood Rangers

Warband 2

Mirkwood Ranger Captain

12 Mirkwood Ranger

Warband 3


11 Mirkwood Ranger

38 Models 

The 2nd international traveler is bringing with him this Mirkwood Ranger list. With 38 Elf bows this army is going to have a powerful Shooting phase. Meanwhile, Knife Mastery will allow these elves to pack a punch up close too.

Matthew Butler

Azog’s Legion

Warband 1

Azog with Signal Tower, Stone Flail and Heavy Armour (Leader)

7 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Shields 

7 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Spears 

2 Ogres 

Warband 2

Gundabad Orc Captain with Shield

5 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Shields

6 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Spears 

36 models (inclusive of the 7 lieutenants on the Signal Tower)

First time I've seen a list with Azog's Signal Tower, so will be interesting to see how it does. Azog himself is an excellent and powerful Leader , threatening any other Heroes present.

Luke Revell

Mordor and Isengard

Warband 1

(Leader) Witch King of Angmar 3/20/3 with Crown of Morgul and Horse

Warband 2

Lurtz with Shield

5 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Shield

5 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Pikes

4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Crossbows

1 Uruk-Hai Warrior with Banner and Shield

Warband 3


4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Shields

4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Pikes

3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Crossbows

Warband 4


4 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Shields

3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Pikes

3 Uruk-Hai Warriors with Crossbows

40 models

Uruk Hai are excellent, solid line troops, combining good Fight, Strength and Defense stats. An interesting choice here is to ally in the Witch King on horse as Leader, who is an excellent spell caster as well as having competent combat ability thanks to the Crown of Morgul.

Harry Parkhill

Minas Tirith

Warband 1 

Aragorn King Elessar Mtd 

7 x Warrior of Minas Tirith w Shield

6 x Warrior of Minas Tirith w Shield and Spear

3 x Ranger of Gondor w Spear 

1 x Guard of the Fountain Court w Shield 

1 x Citadel Guard w Longbow

Warband 2

Gandalf the White w Shadowfax

5 x Warrior of Minas Tirith w Shield 

4 x Warrior of Minas Tirith w Shield & Spear

1 x Warrior of Minas Tirith w Banner, Shield, Spear

1 x Knight of Minas Tirith w Shield 

3 x Ranger of Gondor w Spears

1 x Guard of the Fountain Court w Shield

35 models

Next up is Harry Parkhill of Entmoot podcast fame (check it out if you haven't already, it's great) traveling over from England . He's bringing along a Minas Tirith army led by Elessar and Gandalf the White who will provide good killing potential and good magical cover.

Donal Carroll

Corsairs of Umbar and Serpent Horde

Warband 1: Dalamyr (Leader)

4 x Corsair with shield

7 x Corsair with spear

5 x Corsair Arbalesters

Warband 2


4 x Corsair with shield

4 x Corsair with spear

4 x Corsair Arbalesters

Warband 3

Corsair Captain with Crossbow

4 x Corsair with shield

4 x Corsair with spear

4 x Corsair Arbalesters

Warband 4

Suladan with armoured horse

5 x Haradrim Raiders with War Spear and Bow

6 x Abrakhan Merchant Guard

55 models

Here we have a alliance between the Corsairs of Umbar and the Serpent Horde. 55 models means this is on the higher end of the model count and with corsairs all carrying ranged weapons they'll be a big threat in the shooting phase and on the charge.

Gary Doyle 

Numenor and Rivendell

Warband 1

Elendil w/horse and Shield (Leader)

4 Numenor Warriors w shields

4 Numenor Warriors w shields and spears

Warband 2


1 Rivendell Knight w/shield

2 Elves with bows

2 Elves with bows and spears

1 Elf with bow and shield

Warband 3

Glorfindell with Armour and Asfoloth

1 Rivendell Knight w/shield

1 Elf with Shield and Banner

6 Elves with Shields

7 Elves with Shields and Spears

32 Models

Elendil and Glorfindel lead the line of this Last Alliance themed army and provide two hugely powerful combat models. Meanwhile, Cirdan is excellent value for his buffing spells.

Niall Woods


Warband 1

Amdûr on armoured horse (Leader)

10 Black Dragon Kataphrakts (1 with banner)

Warband 2


4 Black Dragon Easterling Warriors with spear and shield (1 with Banner) 

1 Black Dragon Easterling Warrior with bow

2 Black Dragon Easterling Warriors with shield

Warband 3


2 Black Dragon Easterling warriors with shield 

1 Black Dragon Easterling Warrior with pike and shield

1 Black Dragon Easterling Warrior with bow

1 Black Dragon Easterling Warrior

Warband 4

Dragon Knight 

6 Dragon cult acolytes

32 models

The 2 new Easterling Heroes feature in this army list. It will be interesting to see how they perform on the tabletop.

Luke O'Reilly

Serpent Horde and Mordor

Warband 1 (Leader)

Suladan on Horse

Warband 2

WK on FB with crown 3/18/3 

5 Black Numenoreans

5 Morannon Orcs with Spears and Shields

Warband 3

Shagrat with shield and heavy armour

5 Black Numenoreans

5 Morannon Orcs with Spears and Shields

Warband 4

Marshall on Horse with Shield and Lance

5 Black Numenoreans

5 Morannon Orcs with Spears and Shields

34 models

This is a fairly typical Mordor army featuring a frontline of Terror causing Black Numenoreans backed up by S4 Morannon Orcs. Of particular note, however, is the inclusion of Suladan as Leader, meaning that pressure is removed from the Witch King to survive.

Eoghan O'Keane

Rohan and Minas Tirith

Warband 1 

Theoden King of Rohan with Armoured Horse, heavy armour and shield

Rohan Royal Guard with banner, horse

X3 Rohan Royal Guard with throwing spear, horse

Warband 2

Deorwine, Chief of the King’s Knights with horse

X3 Rohan Royal Guard with throwing spear, horse

Warband 3

Eomer with armoured horse, shield

X8 Rider of Rohan

Warband 4

Gandalf the White on Shadowfax

18 models 

Up next is a fully mounted Rohan army with Gandalf the White allied in. This will hit hard if it can pull off a good charge and Gandalf provides excellent magical support.

Connor Glover

Thranduil's Halls

Thranduil - elk, extra sword, circlet, heavy armour (Leader)

3x cav w/shield

4x elf w/glaive and bow

6x Palace guard w/ spear and shield

Legolas w/ cloak

6x elf w/shield 1 with banner

3x elf w/ glaive and bow

Tauriel w/bow

5x elf w/shield

3x elf w/glaive and bow

1x sentinel

34 models

All the named Heroes feature in this Thranduil's Halls list with Thranduil providing multiple buffs to the army as well as a solid combat presence.

Louis Vanhecke

Riders of Theoden

Warband 1

Theoden [Leader] (heavy armour, shield, armoured horse)

3 Rohan royal guards (horses)

Warband 2 

Deorwine (horse)

3 Rohan royal guards (horses)

Warband 3


2 Rohan royal guards (horses)

1 Rohan royal guard (horse, banner)

Warband 4

Gamling (horse)

3 Rohan royal guards (horses)

Warband 5

Elfhelm (horse)

1 Rohan royal guard (horse)

1 Rider of Rohan

Warband 6

Captain (horse)

2 Riders of Rohan

Warband 7

Captain (horse)

2 Riders of Rohan

26 models

The 1st of the two Belgian players making the trip to Ireland. This is a very Hero heavy force that will make the most of the Legendary Legion's special rules to hit very hard on the charge.

Ivan Sheehan

Ugluks Scouts

Warband 1

Ugluk (Leader)

5 uruks, shield

6 uruks, bow

1 uruk, banner

Warband 2


5 uruks, shield

6 uruks, bow

1 uruk, banner

Warband 3

Uruk hai scout captain, shield


6 uruks, bow

Warband 4

Grishnakh, shield

10 orcs, spear, shield

2 orcs, 2 handed weapon

Warband 5


5 orcs, shield

3 orcs, spear

3 orcs, spear, shield

1 orc, 2 handed weapon

60 models 

Fresh off the back of a 2nd place finish at the Scouring of Che-Shire recently Ivan is once again running his Ugluk's Scouts army. This list brings a horde of fast moving, F4, S4 Uruks with bonuses to wound while providing no big target for the enemy to focus on.

David Murphy


Warband One 

The Witch-King of Angmar on horse with Morgul Crown, 3 Might, 3 Fate & 15 Will. (Leader)

2 Dead Marsh Spectres.

5 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield.

5 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with banner and spear.

Warband Two

Barrow Wight.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Three

Barrow Wight.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Four

Angmar Orc Captain with shield.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shield.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Five


2 Angmar Warg Riders.

45 models

Angmar is usually a popular choice in the IHL. This is largely due to the control their powerful magic abilities can give them (nobody wants their biggest Hero Paralyzed by a Barrow Wight).

Matthew Loftus

Assault on Helm's Deep


URUK-HAI CAPT with Shield (leader)

6xURUK-HAI WARRIOR with shields


1XURUK-HAI WARRIOR with pike and banner

3xURUK-HAI Bezerkers 


URUK-HAI CAPT with Shield

6xURUK-HAI WARRIOR with shields



URUK-HAI CAPT with Crossbow 

11xURUK-HAI WARRIOR With crossbow





51 Models 

Another of the British competitors, this time with a multiple Assault Ballista army, making the most out of the Legion bonuses. And with 51 Uruk Hai not to be trifled with.

David Coleman

Mordor and Moria

Warband 1

Mouth of Sauron, Horse (Leader)

12 Black Numenoreans

2 Morgul Knights

1 Orc Warrior, Banner

Warband 2


1 Bat Swarm

2 Prowlers

12 Goblins, Spears

Warband 3


1 Bat Swarm

3 Prowlers

3 Goblins, Spears

1 Goblin, Spear, Shield 

Warband 4

Goblin Captain

Warband 5


43 Models

The Mouth of Sauron isn't often seen but here he's being used as a way to ally in a D6, Terror causing Black Numenorean frontline for the Moria Goblins to backup as well as a Banner. An interesting addition to the Moria army.

Dave Chambers 


Warband 1

Saruman on horse (Leader)


5 Uruk Scouts with shield


6 Uruk Warriors with crossbow

Warband 2


5 Uruk Warriors with shield

7 Uruk Warriors with Pike

1 Uruk Scout with Banner

1 Uruk Beserker

Warband 3



5 Uruk Scouts with shield

6 Uruk Warriors with crossbow

42 models

Uruk Hai again, except this time using the Isengard army list instead of a Legendary Legion.

Alexis Dufrasne


Warband 1

Witch King with 3M, 15W, 3F, Crown of Morgul, Morgul Blade and Fell Beast

5 Angmar Orcs with Shield

3 Angmar Orcs with Spear

2 Spectres

1 Wild Warg

Warband 2


4 Angmar Orcs with Shield

1 Angmar Orc with Banner, shield and spear

3 Angmar Orcs with Spear and shield

2 Spectres

1 Wild Warg

Warband 3

Barrow Wight

4 Angmar Orcs with Shield

3 Angmar Orcs with Spear

1 Wild Warg

Warband 4

Barrow Wight

4 Angmar Orcs with Shield

3 Angmar Orcs with Spear

41 models

The second Belgian making the trip is bringing along this Angmar army. The inclusion of two flying monsters here make this a daunting prospect to face, especially with the danger posed by a pair of Barrow Wights threatening Heroes.

Ian Hutchinson 

Halls of Thranduil & Survivors of Laketown

Warband 1

Thranduil with Elven Cloak, Elven-made Sword, Heavy Armour, Horse, (Leader)

1 Mirkwood Elf with Banner

6 Mirkwood Elf with Shield

7 Palace Guard with Shield, Spear

Warband 2

Legolas Greenleaf with Armour, Elven Cloak

2 Mirkwood Cavalry with Shield

4 Mirkwood Elf with Elf Bow and Shield

1 Mirkwood Elf with Banner and Shield

Warband 3

Gandalf the Grey on Horse

8 Lake-town Militia with Shield and Spear

1 Lake-town Militia

33 models

Up next is another Thranduil led list, this time with Laketown allies. Here the Elves bring the quality warriors and Laketown help to bump up the numbers and also allow the inclusion of Gandalf for some magic coverage.

Tom Armitage


Saruman (Leader) on horse

Grima Wormtongue 

14 x Uruk-hai warriors (7 x shields, 7 x pikes)  (1 with banner)

2 x Beserkers

Sharku 50 on warg

4 x Warg riders with shields


5 x Uruk-hai warriors with crossbows


4 x Beserkers

1 x Huscarl

1 x Crebrain

36 models

Another Isengard army led by Saruman, although this time with different warband leadership. A good mix of troop types on display here, including some cavalry which isn't as often seen in Isengard.

Dan Ahern

Rivendell, Fellowship & Halls of Thranduil 

Warband 1

Elrond with heavy armour and horse

1 Rivendell Knight with banner and shield

11 Rivendell Knights with shield

Warband 2

Aragorn Strider with horse, armour and Anduril

Warband 3

Legolas Greenleaf with horse and armour

15 models

Mobility, charging power and ranged fire are all prevalent in this allied force. Although low on numbers the heroes really pack a punch in this list.

Damian Pajestka


Durburz (leader)

Cave troll with hand and half hammer

2x Prowler

3x Moria Goblins with shield

3x Moria Goblins with spear

3x Moria Goblins with bow and spear


Warg Marauder

4x Prowler

2x Moria Gobilns with shield

3x Moria Goblins with bow and spear

Moria Goblin Captain

Warg Marauder

Moria Goblin Drum 

4x Prowlers

3x Moria Goblins with spear

1x Moria Goblin with bow and spear

Cave Drake

Bat Swarm

Moria Goblin Shaman

2x Moria Goblins with shield

3x Moria Goblins with bow and spear

44 models

They have a Cave Troll. And quite a few Goblins. Also, a Cave Drake and Bat Swarm combination offers a real threat that enemy heroes will want to avoid.

Alex Neaves

Return of the King LL

Warband 1                        

Aragorn cloak

4 warriors shield

4 warriors shield spear


Warband 2

King of the dead 

4 warriors shield

4 warriors shield spear


Warband 3

Legolas armour cloak

4 warriors shield spear

4 warriors shield

29 models

Next we have the ever popular Return of the King Legion. High defence, Blades of the Dead and Terror make sure this is battle line that is tough to crack and can inflict some damage.

Ellis Priestley 

Corsairs of Umbar

Warband 1 




9X CORSAIR OF UMBAR w/ Spear and sheild

Warband 2 




10x CORSAIR OF UMBAR w. Spear and sheild

Warband 3 

CORSAIR BO’SUN with shield


5xCORSAIR OF UMBAR w. Spear and sheild

1xCORSAIR OF UMBAR w. sheild



59 models

The final international traveler is bringing this Corsair horde. A host of throwing weapons and crossbows make for a scary ranged threat and a block of Black Numenoreans provide a bit more staying power than the typical Corsairs.

Jack Scroope

Assault on Helms Deep

Warband 1

Uruk-hai Captain, shield

Uruk-hai Berserker

4 Uruk-hai Warrior, Shield

4 Uruk-hai Warrior, Pike

5 Uruk-hai Warrior, Crossbow

1 Uruk-hai Warrior, Banner, Pike, Shield

Warband 2

Uruk-hai Captain

3 Uruk-hai Warrior, Pike

1 Uruk-hai Warrior

Warband 3

Uruk-hai Captain, Shield (Leader)

2 Uruk-hai Berserker

1 Uruk-hai Warrior, Banner, Pike

4 Uruk-hai Warrior, Crossbow

4 Uruk-hai Warrior, Pike

4 Uruk-hai Warrior, Shield

Warband 4

Isengard Assault Ballista 

Warband 5

Isengard Assault Ballista 

Warband 6

Isengard Assault Ballista 

43 models

Three siege engines!?! This list will really do some damage at long range with 3 Ballistas and 9 crossbows, forcing the enemy to attempt to close the gap as quickly as possible.

Bye Buster

Michael Bradford

Depths of Moria

Warband 1

Balrog (Leader)

6 x goblins with bow and spear

9 x Goblins with shield

3 x Goblins with spear 

Warband 2

Captain with bow and shield

Blackshield Goblin Drum

4 x Blackshield goblins with shield and spear

4 x Goblins with shield

2 x Goblins with bow and spear

Warband 3

Blackshield Shaman

3 x Goblins with shield

3 x Goblins with bow and spear

Warband 4

Blackshield Shaman

3 x Goblins with shield

3 x Goblins with bow and spear

And finally we have the bye-buster list. A Depths of Moria army with a big focal point in the Balrog.

So there we have it, 27 army lists ready for battle this weekend. I hope everyone has a great time and especially hope all the international competitors enjoy their trip.

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