Friday 6 August 2021

Irish System Open - Army Lists

The Irish Open tournament takes place this coming weekend. This is a 1000 point Good vs Evil event with everyone bringing both a Good and Evil army. So that means that we have a lot of lists to work through here.

Donal Carroll (Bye Buster).

Good List - Thorin's Company (Pure List).

Warband One: 

Thorin with Orcrist + Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Gandalf the Grey, and Bilbo Baggins with Sting.

Evil List - Gothmog's Army (Legendary Legion).

Warband One:

Gothmog on Warg with shield.

5 Morannon Orcs with shields.

5 Morannon Orcs with shields + spears.

1 Morannon Orc with shield, spear + banner.

Warband Two:

Mordor Orc Shaman.

3 Morannon Orcs with shields.

3 Morannon Orcs with shields + spears.

Warband Three:


4 Morannon Orcs with shields.

4 Morannon Orcs with shields + spears.

1 Mordor Troll.

Warband Four:


4 Morannon Orcs with shields.

4 Morannon Orcs with shields + spears.

1 Mordor Troll with War Drum.

Warband Five:


4 Morannon Orcs with shields.

4 Morannon Orcs with shields + spears

Firstly, I wholeheartedly approve of this Good list, no possible way of improvement. And the Evil list brings a lot of S4 Morannons Orcs as well as a couple of Trolls so should hit pretty hard.

David Murphy (TO).

Good List - Erebor Reclaimed, Iron Hills and White Council (Convenient Alliance).

Warband One (Leader): 

Saruman the White on horse.

Warband Two: 

Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills on War Boar.

1 Iron Hills Dwarf with spear and banner.

7 Iron Hills Dwarves with crossbows + spears.

10 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears + shields.

Warband Three: 

Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain on War Goat with Orcrist.

1 Iron Hills Goat Rider.

5 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears + shields.

Warband Four: 

Dwalin, Champion of Erebor on War Goat.

5 Iron Hills Dwarves with spears + shields.

Evil List - Azog's Legion, Azog's Hunters and Dark Powers of Dol Guldur (Historical Alliance).

Warband One (Leader):

Azog on the White Warg with heavy armour and the Stone flail.

4 Gundabad Orcs with shields.

8 Gundabad Orcs with shields + spears.

Warband Two:

The Necromancer.

7 Gundabad Orcs with shields.

10 Gundabad Orcs with shields + spears.

1 Gundabad Orc with shield, spear + banner.

Warband Three:

Bolg on Fell Warg.

2 Fell Wargs.

Up next are 2 Hobbit Era armies, both built around hard hitting heroes and strong magic. On the Good side this takes the form of Thorin, Dain and Dwalin backed by Saruman, while on the Evil side there's Azog and Bolg with the Necromancer.

Mike Bradford.

Good List - Minas Tirith, White Council and Thranduil's Halls

Warband One (Leader): 

Aragorn, King Elessar on armoured horse.

18 Fountain Court Guards with shields.

Warband Two: 

Thranduil on horse with heavy armour, extra Elven-made sword and Circlet of Kings.

7 Palace Guards with spears and shields.

3 Palace Guards with shields.

Warband Three:

Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood on horse with Orcrist and Elven cloak.

Warband Four: 

Galadriel, Lady of Light (tramp).

Evil List - Desolator of the North and Isengard (Red Alliance).

Warband One (Leader):


Warband Two:

Saruman on horse

3 Crebain.

1 Uruk-Hai Berserker.

Warband Three:

Grima Wormtongue on horse.

Not really much to say here other than, DRAGON!!!!!

Colleen Bunting.

Good List - Fangorn, Radaghast's Alliance and Misty Mountains.

Warband One (Leader): 


Warband Two: 


Warband Three:


Warband Four: 


Warband Five: 

Radagast on horse.

Warband Six: 


Evil List - Grand Army of the South (Legendary Legion).

Warband One (Leader):

Mumak War Leader.

11 Harad Warriors with bows.

1 Harad Warrior with bow, spear and war horn.

6 Mahud Raiders with war spears and blowpipes.

Warband Two:

Suladan on armoured horse

2 Harad Warriors with bows.

Warband Three:

Mahud King on Camel with war spear and shield.

8 Mahud Raiders with war spears and blowpipes

Next is a monster filled Good army with 3 ENTs, an Eagle and a Giant Bear that will ensure plenty of power. And the Evil side brings a Mumak and several camels that will all inflict damage in the Move Phase as well as the Shooting and Combat Phases.

Michael Bunting.

Good List - Rivendell and White Council.

Warband One (Leader): 

Elrond with heavy armour on horse.

Bilbo Baggins.

5 High Elf Warriors with Elf bows and spears.

5 High Elf Warriors with shields.

Warband Two: 

Gil-galad on horse with shield.

9 Kings Guards with spears and shields.

1 Kings Guard with spear, shield and banner.

Warband Three:


5 High Elf Warriors with Elf bows and spears.

5 High Elf Warriors with shields.

Warband Four: 

Galadriel, Lady of Light 

Evil List - Mordor and Angmar (Red Alliance).

Warband One (Leader):


Warband Two:

Shadow Lord on horse.

1 Black Numenorean with war horn.

6 Black Numenoreans.

7 Morannon Orcs with spears and shields.

Warband Three:

Troll Chieftain.

6 Black Numenoreans.

5 Morannon Orcs with spears and shields.

1 Morannon Orc with spear, shield and banner.

Warband Four:

Great Beast of Gorgoroth.

Warband Five:


Next is a pair of Red alliances built around hard hitting heroes. Gil Galad, Elrond and Lady of Light lead the Elven forces while F6 King's Guard are a challenge for enemy heroes. Meanwhile, Gulavhar, a Troll Chieftain, a Great Beast and Shelob will leave the opponent with a tricky decision on who to go after.

Ivan Sheehan.

Good List - Thranduil's Halls and Erebor Reclaimed (Historical Alliance)

Warband One (Leader): 

Thranduil on horse with heavy armour, extra Elven-made sword and Circlet of Kings.

6 Palace Guards with spears and shields.

6 Mirkwood Elves with shields.

1 Mirkwood Elf with banner, glaive and Elf bow.

3 Mirkwood Sentinels.

2 Mirkwood Cavalry with shields.

Warband Two: 

Tauriel with Elf bow.

6 Mirkwood Elves with shields.

6 Mirkwood Elves with glaives and Elf bows

Warband Three:

Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood on horse.

Warband Four: 

Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain on War Goat with Orcrist 

Warband Five: 

Bifur, Champion of Erebor.

Evil List - Angmar (Pure List).

Warband One (Leader):

Witch-King on Fellbeast with Morgul Crown, 3 Might, 3 Fate & 16 Will.

1 Cave Troll with hand-and-a-half hammer.

1 Dead Marsh Spectre.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with banner.

2 Angmar Orc Warriors with two-handed weapons.

6 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears and Orc bows.

6 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Two:

The Tainted on horse.

1 Dead Marsh Spectre. 

6 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears and Orc bows.

7 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Three:


1 Dead Marsh Spectre.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

2 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears and Orc bows.

2 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Four:

Angmar Orc Captain on Warg with shield.

2 Wild Wargs.

1 Angmar Warg Rider with shield.

1 Angmar Warg Rider with shield and throwing spear.

Warband Five:

Barrow Wight.

Warband Six:

Barrow Wight.

Thranduil is an excellent leader of this Good army, offering numerous buffs to nearby troops as well as being a hard hitting force in his own right. And on the Evil side, the pair of Barrow Wights and the Witch King will aim to shut down enemy heroes with their magic to allow their other models time to cause damage to the opposing forces.

Dave Coleman 

Good List - Lothlorien, Rohan and Misty Mountains (Convenient Alliance)

Warband One (Leader): 

Galadriel with her Mirror.

2 Mirkwood Sentinels.

4 Galadhrim Knights with shields.

Warband Two: 


Warband Three:

Eomer on armoured horse with shield.

Warband Four: 

Theodred on horse with shield.

Warband Five: 


Warband Six: 

Elfhelm on horse.

Warband Seven: 

Deorwine on horse.

Warband Eight: 

Gamling on horse with Rohan Royal Standard.

Evil List - Moria & Angmar (Convenient Alliance)

Warband One (Leader):

Witch-King on Fellbeast with Morgul Crown, 3 Might, 3 Fate & 15 Will.

2 Dead Marsh Spectres.

1 Angmar Orc Warrior with banner.

Warband Two:

Barrow Wight.

Warband Three:


1 Bat Swarm.

7 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields.

5 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears and Orc bows.

2 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

Warband Four:


5 Prowlers.

5 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears and Orc bows.

1 Moria Goblin Warrior with spear.

1 Moria Goblin Warrior with shield.

Warband Five:


1 Bat Swarm 

2 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields.

2 Moria Goblin Warriors with spears.

2 Giant Spiders

Warband Six:

Watcher in the Water.

Dave comes into this event with 2 tournament victories so far, so the pressure is on to keep it up. To that end he has returned to his trusty horse lord's, who served him very well last season, and to Moria who carried him to victory earlier in the year.

Marty Metcalfe.

Good List - Rivendell (Pure List)

Warband One (Leader): 

Gil-galad on with shield.

6 Kings Guards.

6 Kings Guards with Elf bows.

5 Kings Guards with spears and shields.

1 Kings Guard with shield and banner.

Warband Two: 

Elrond with heavy armour on horse.

8 Rivendell Knights with shield.

Warband Three:


2 High Elf Warriors with Elf bows and spears.

2 High Elf Warriors with spears and shields.

1 High Elf Warrior.

Warband Four: 

High Elf Captain on horse with lance and shield.

Evil List - Isengard (Pure List).

Warband One (Leader):

Saruman on horse.

8 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

4 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

1 Uruk-Hai Warrior with banner and shield.

Warband Two:

Lurtz with shield.

Uruk-Hai Drummer.

4 Uruk-Hai Berserkers.

3 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

Warband Three:


8 Marauders with shields.

2 Marauders with Uruk bows.

Warband Four:

Uruk-Hai Shaman with armour.

2 Uruk-Hai Scouts with shields.

4 Uruk-Hai Scouts with Uruk bows.

Warband Five:


4 Crebain.

Warband Six:

Grima Wormtongue on horse.

Next is another Elf based list on the Good side and a 2nd appearance in this tournament of Gil Galad (with his F6 King's Guard) and Elrond. The Evil list is Isengard with a lot of Uruk Hai. Mauhur's warband brings some fast moving models (especially if combined with the Drum) as well as the 4 Crebain and Saruman is an excellent caster.

Dan Ahern.

Good List - Rivendell, White Council and Fellowship (Convenient Alliance)

Warband One (Leader): 

Elrond with heavy armour on horse.

4 High Elf Warriors with shields.

1 High Elf Warrior with Elf bow.

1 High Elf Warrior with Elf bow and spear.

1 Rivendell Knight with banner and shield.

11 Rivendell Knights with shields.

Warband Two: 


8 High Elf Warriors with shields.

4 High Elf Warriors with Elf bows.

Warband Three:

Galadriel, Lady of Light (tramp).

Warband Four: 

Boromir of Gondor on horse with shield and Elven cloak.

Evil List - Angmar (Pure List).

Warband One (Leader):

Witch-King on Fellbeast with Morgul Crown, Morgul blade, 3 Might, 3 Fate & 15 Will.

1 Dead Marsh Spectre.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with two-handed weapons.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

4 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Two:

The Tainted on Fellbeast.

1 Dead Marsh Spectre. 

1 Cave Troll with hand and a half hammer.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

2 Angmar Orc Warriors with two-handed weapons.

Warband Three:


2 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

2 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Four:

Barrow Wight.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.

Warband Five:

Barrow Wight.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

3 Angmar Orc Warriors with shields

Yet more Elves, although no F6 this time, although the high mobility and damage output of the Knights should make up for that. And the Evil list is a scary looking Angmar army with double Fell Beasts and Gulavhar able to deal a lot of damage and a pair of Barrow Wights worrying enemy heroes.

Niall Woods

Champions of Erebor

warband 1:

Thorin Oakenshield king under the mountain (Army leader)


Fili with bow 











Evil list:

Isengard, assault upon helms deep LL

Warband 1:

Uruk hai captain with shield (Army leader)

18 Uruk hai warriors, 8 with shield, 9 with pike, 1 with banner

Warband 2

Uruk hai captain with shield 

12 Uruk hai warriors, 6 with shield, 6 with pike,

6 Uruk hai beserkers 

Warband 3

Uruk hai shaman with armour

8 Uruk hai warriors 5 with pike 3 with shield 

3 Uruk hai beserkers

1 troll

Warband 4 

Uruk hai balista with superior construction 

Warband 5

Uruk hai balista with superior construction

And finally, the last pair of lists feature an Erebor Reclaimed list that brings all the Champions of Erebor (great theme) so has plenty of damage dealing heroes and an Assault on Helm's Deep Legion with a pair of Ballista, which are great for threatening the enemy from long range.

So there's all the lists, may the best general win.

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