Friday 2 July 2021

Beginners Event - Army Lists


These tournaments are acting like buses, you wait for ages then 2 come along at once. Saturday sees a 2nd tournament in as many weeks (making up for lost time).

This event has been tailored towards allowing new or less experienced players the chance to enjoy the tournament experience, with a couple of veterans around to help with rules queries and general running of the event. In total there are 5 players who are totally new to the IHL at this event, so welcome to you all.

This is a 450 point event with a balance of Good vs Evil slightly favoring Good again.

Micheál Bradford - The Trolls

Warband One: Bill the Troll, Bert the Troll, Tom the Troll, and the Campfire.

We start with three monsterous trolls. This is a great thematic list that will hit like a freight train, although lack of numbers might put it at a disadvantage depending on scenario.

Connor Whitla - Thorin's Company.

Warband One - Thorin with Orcrist and Oakenshield, Balin, Dwalin, Bilbo with the Ring and Sting, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur.

It's widely known within the Irish commuy that Thorin's Company is my favourite faction in the game. Thorin and Dwalin are 2 really good heroes for this points level, especially if combined with Bilbo with the Ring and I hope these guys do well.

Damian Pajestka - Moria

Warband One: Durburz, 1 Bat Swarm, 1 Warg Marauder, 3 Prowlers, 6 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields, and 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows + spears.

Warband Two: Groblog, 1 Warg Marauder, 4 Prowlers, 3 Moria Goblin Warriors with shields, and 4 Moria Goblin Warriors with Orc bows + spears.

Warband Three: Moria Goblin Shaman, 3 Moria Blackshields, and 3 Prowlers.

A horde of Moria Goblins. This list packs in plenty of models while also having some room for some fun stuff like the Warg Marauders and Bat Swarm.

Alex Neaves - Riders of Theoden

Warband One: Theoden on armoured horse with heavy armour + shield. and 4 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears.

Warband Two: Dernhelm, and 3 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears.

Warband Three: Gamling on horse with Rohan Royal Standard, and and 3 Riders of Rohan with throwing spears.

Riders of Theoden proved to be a very popular choice on the top tables during the 2020 IHL season. Fast moving, hard hitting and with free might being generated by the Royal Standard, this army is still a top choice.

Ben Hanna - Minas Tirith

Warband One: Faramir on horse with heavy armour, lance + shield, 2 Citadel Guards with longbows, 6 Knights of Minas Tirith with shields, 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields, and 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield + spear.

Warband Two: Beregond, 2 Guards of the Fountain Court with shields, 1 Rangers of Gondor with spear, 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields, and 1 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield + spear.

Warband Three: Damrod, and 6 Rangers of Gondor with spears.

Warband Four: Avenger Bolt Thrower.

This Minas Tirith army makes use of the cheaper Minor heroes in order to be able to bump up their numbers. With a decent amount of Rangers and a Bolt Thrower this army should win the shooting battle in most matchups.

Mike Wilson - Dark Denizens of Mirkwood

Warband One: Spider Queen, 1 Bat Swarm, and 5 Mirkwood Spiders.

Warband Two: 2 Mirkwood Spiders.

Warband Three: 2 Mirkwood Spiders.

Warband Four: 2 Mirkwood Spiders.

Warband Five: 2 Mirkwood Spiders.

Warband Six: 2 Mirkwood Spiders.

I hope nobody is arachnophobic. A whole host of Spiders that will be hoping to snare their foes in their web. Top marks for theme on this one.

Michael Bunting - Dol Guldur

Warband One: The Witch-King, 5 Gundabad Orcs with shields, and 5 Gundabad Orcs with spears + shields.

Warband Two: The Forsaken, 5 Gundabad Orcs with shields, and 5 Gundabad Orcs with spears + shields.

Warband Three: Castellan of Dol Guldur and 1 Mirkwood Spider.

Warband Four: Castellan of Dol Guldur and 1 Mirkwood Spider.

The Nazgul of Dol Guldur can prove to be tricky to take out thanks to their resurrection ability. Backed up by a group of heavily armoured Orcs, some Castellans and a couple of Spiders for some shenanigans this could be tough to take out.

Jim Latimer - Harondor (The Fiefdoms)

Warband One: El Aurance (Prince Imrahil), 3 Unicorn Knights (Swan Knights/Dol Amroth Knights) on armoured horse with lance.

Warband Two: Fergal Fearnaught (Angbor the Fearless), 3 Clansmen of Velsinir (Clansmen of Lamedon), and 4 Axemen of Harmindon (Axemen of Lossarnach).

Warband Three: Oophir, Desert Wolf (aka Duinhir) and 5 Harnen River Rangers (Blackroot Vale Archers).

El Aurance (Prince Imrahil) will be one of the most expensive heroes attending this event and brings plenty of hitting power and offers buffs to nearby troops thanks to a huge banner range and Fight Value buff for the Knights. On top of that there's a Fearless buff from Fergal Fearnaught (Angbor the Fearless) and some decent shooting from the Harnen River Rangers.

Jack & Ana - Lothlorien

Warband One: Galadriel, 1 Galadhrim Warrior with banner, 7 Galadhrim Warriors with Elf bows, 5 Galadhrim Warriors with spears + shields.

Warband Two: Haldir with heavy armour, 3 Galadhrim Warriors with shields, 4 Galadhrim Warriors with spears + shields.

Galadriel leads this Lothlorien army and provides the best magical support of all the armies here. That support will be important to aid Haldir and the Galadrim warriors who will be doing all the fighting.

Collie Doherty - Rivendell

Warband One: Gil-Galad with shield on armoured horse, 6 King's Guard with shields, 5 High Elf Warriors with spear and shield, 2 High Elf Warriors with spear and bow, 1 King's Guard with spear and banner, 4 Rivendell Knights.

In this Rivendell the King's Guard will have a better Fight Value than most of the heroes they'll be facing which puts them at a distinct advantage in combat. Added to this is the F9 High King of the Elves himself Gil-Galad, who can make short work of any of his foes.

So there's all the lists. Best of luck to all the players and may you always roll 6s (unless you're Evil and it's a roll-off).

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