Tuesday 12 January 2021

New Year, New Stuff

 "Still around the corner there may wait

A new road or a secret gate,

And though we pass them by today,

Tomorrow we may come this way

And take the hidden paths that run

Towards the Moon or to the Sun."

Well, I got through 2020 and now proves an ideal time to look back at what I've achieved hobby-wise over the last 12 months.

Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room, Covid-19. This stopped a lot of gaming and tournaments, all told I only got to attend 1 in the whole year and that was way back in January. Even during the couple of months over the Summer when IHL events were able to resume in a limited capacity I had to pull out of the 2 I was due to attend (the 1st due to being in a significant car crash and the 2nd when I caught the virus a week before and had to isolate). Hopefully tournaments can resume at some point in the coming months and I can end this drought.

Although my overall painted model count is vastly outnumbered by some members of the community I'm pretty pleased with what I did get done in 2020. Finishing off my Thorin's Company, painting up a Fellowship and making good progress on both Lake Town and Khand (among other things) as well as terrain making represent a decent return for me. My favourite piece is probably my Lake Town tavern  that I scratch built with a lot of patience and a ton of coffee stirrers. 

In the Warhammer Community Hobby Bingo I didn't quite do as well as I had initially hoped, but I did do fairly well with most of the painting squares although there's a few I had hoped to get but missed out on and the gaming squares were stopped due to Covid. Hopefully I can beat my score in the 2021 Bingo.

Looking ahead at this years painting, I'm planning on participating in Hobby Bingo again. The 2 big squares I want to cross off are the 600 point Good and Evil squares, so to that end I'm starting work on 600 points of Khazad Dum which will keep me occupied for the foreseeable (along with a few other bits and pieces along the way).

As well as attempting Hobby Bingo again I'm also planning to take part in the Drawn Combat blog's painting challenge (found here) which involves painting a model based on a particular theme each month, first up Rohanuary.

The other big highlight of the year was this blog. I feel that there have been some great articles over the past 12 months and I hope to continue with that going forward. At times it's proved challenging to come up with ideas for content, particularly due to the cronic lack of gaming, but I have a few ideas brewing that I hope to unveil in the coming weeks and months (we might even get to go on a Quest).

Well there's a lot of stuff to be getting on with so I'd better get cracking.

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