Saturday 21 March 2020

Alternate Tournament Scoring System

Over the past few months several members of the Irish Middle Earth community have been working tirelessly on modifying the tournament scoring system and finally, following much play testing at the last few tournaments and a few tweaks it is finally ready to be released into the wild for other Tournament Organizers to use if they so wish.

Why do this?

It was felt that the current win/loss based scoring didn't always reflect the result of a game. For example, scraping a 1 VP win is scored the same as a 12-0 thrashing. Similarly a narrow defeat was punished the same as a rout.

Therefore an alternate system was devised that rewarded players for securing big wins while minimizing the effect of narrow defeats by making sure that every victory point counted.

How it works

Players play their game as normal and work out the Victory Points as explained in the scenario rules.

Then, instead of just recording a win, loss or draw they calculate the VP difference. Each player starts with a base score of 12, to which the VP difference is added or subtracted to give a score of between 0-24. This is their Tournament Points that is used to determine the rankings.


Leo beats Boris 8-2 in a game of Lords of Battle. Leo has a VP difference of +6 so will score 18 TPs (12+6). Boris has a VP difference of -6 so will score 6 TPs (12-6).

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