Monday 2 September 2019

Be Excellent to each other

"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer." Samwise the Brave

This post requires a bit of context. Ok maybe a lot of context. Recently I got involved in a discussion regarding an attitude within the GBHL community and the Facebook page that I feel is off putting for new players and during this debate I mentioned a conversion I started several years ago and never finished due in large part to a critical comment from a very well known GBHL TO and group admin.

This conversion was based off the fan film Born of Hope, which inspired me to start a new Grey Company army, so I had to have a model for Elgarain, the heroine of the film. A lot of effort went into this model and while I finished and painted the foot model, the horse remained unfinished in my bits box, a reminder of that criticism.

Now comes the context (and trust me when I say this isn't easy to put out in the open).
I have a history of suffering with depression. It's waxed and waned over the years since my early 20s. It has left me contemplating the value of my life at times, came very close to cancelling my wedding, I've been on anti-depressants, in counseling etc. The depression meant I struggled with confidence and was generally unwilling to put myself out there, so those few of critisim words probably hit me much harder than they should have done.

Now, however, instead of it remaining unfinished and a reminder those bad times, I decided to finish it and let it be a symbol of supportive of others and not critical. Because you never know the story on the other side of the computer screen, or what impact those few little words might have. Luckily now I have largely left those dark days behind and can look forward to the future with hope.

So here she is, finally (nearly) finished 3 1/2 years later. Unfortunately, due a hopefully impending house move my basing supplies are packed away in storage so I'll have to come back to finish the basing at a later day.

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