Saturday 28 January 2023

Battles on the Coast - Podium Review


As the dust settles from the Battles on the Coast tournament and Irish Hobbit League Season Opener, it's time to take a look at the winning lists.

3rd place
David Coleman
Lothlorien/Fellowship (Green Alliance)

Warband 1
Leader - Galadriel
8x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
1x Galadhrim Warrior w/shield, spear and banner
5x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows, spears
3x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Sentinel

Warband 2
Celeborn w/ Armour, shield sword
1x Galadhrim knight w/shield
6x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
3x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows and spears
4x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Wood elf w/bow

Warband 3
Boromir of Gondor on horse w/shield

36 models

In 3rd place was Dave Coleman with this Lothlorien and Fellowship Alliance. Due to the high points cost of Elves (and especially heroes) Elf armies are typically on the smaller scale, however, here Dave manages to retain reasonable numbers and this was the largest of all the numerous Elven armies at this event. This reduces the threat of being heavily outnumbered and overrun by much larger armies. Allying in Boromir from the Fellowship list provides a very economical combat hero with a huge 6 points of Might, which provides a huge benefit to the Elves.

2nd place
Michael Bradford
Assault on Lothlorien (Legendary Legion)

Warband 1:
(Leader) Druzhag
1 x Bat Swarm
2 x Giant Spider
6 x Goblin Prowler
6 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 2:
1 x Bat Swarm
4 x Giant Spider
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 3:
1 x Bat Swarm
1 x Orc Warrior with Banner
3 x Orc Warrior with Spear

Warband 4:
Goblin Shaman  
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow
1 x Wild Warg

Warband 5:
Goblin Shaman
1 x Wild Warg

52 models

In 2nd place was Micheal Bradford with the Assault upon Lothlorien Legendary Legion. This has become known as a powerful army ever since its arrival in Defence of the North, with several options of build. In this case the army makes maximum use of the Cover of Darkness special rule, which reduces shooting ranges but makes ranged hits more deadly unless a model has the Cave Dweller rule. Here a large number of Goblin Archers are able to become a huge threat by having a longer range than any opposing archers and getting +1 on wound rolls. And this increased ranged firepower is further augmented at shorter ranges by the 16 Throwing Weapons of the Goblin Prowlers who also benefit from the +1 to wound. Overall a very frightening prospect to face.

1st place
Ivan Sheehan
Halls of Thranduil and Survivors of Laketown.

Warband 1
Leader - Thranduil, extra sword, circlet of kings, heavy armour, bow, horse.
2 mirkwood cavalry, shield.
6 mirkwood elves, shield.
5 palace guard, spear, shield.
2 sentinels.
1 elf, banner, glaive, bow.

Warband 2
Tauriel, bow.
5 elves, shield.
6 elves, glaive, bow.

Warband 3
Legolas, horse

Warband 4
Laketown survivors captain. Shield

31 models

And winning this tournament (picking up exactly where he left off last year) was Ivan Sheehan with this Thranduil's Halls and Survivors of Laketown Alliance. The 3 Elven heroes here provide plenty of utility, they are all very competent in combat, each have some ranged threat and Thranduil himself helps buff the rest of the army and brings a little bit of magical support from his Circlet of Kings. Armoured Elven Warriors are generally a great troops choice (hence their popularity across this tournament) and this is particularly enhanced in Thranduil's Halls thanks to the army bonus which improves their damage potential, an area that S3 Elves traditionally struggled with. The addition of a Laketown Militia Captain is an interesting one, but one that provides Heroic March and a cheap source of extra Might for calling Heroic actions, allowing the other heroes to save their Might for combat.

Congratulations to the 3 winners as well as to Patrick Mccormick who won Best Painted, Nicky Forsythe for winning Best Themed and Christopher Cornhill for winning Best Opponent. Also thanks to Connor Glover for TOing what I hear was a fantastic tournament and I'll leave you with a few photos from the weekend. 
Best Painted - Patrick Mccormick's Angmar 

Best Themed - Nicky Forsythe's Dunland 

Thursday 19 January 2023

Battles on the Coast - Army Lists

The 2023 IHL Season kicks off this weekend at the Battles on the Coast tournament in Exploding Dice Games, Bangor and organised by Connor Glover. This is an 800 point, 6 game event with a total of 25 players signed up (which would be an Irish record attendance).

Looking at the overall breakdown of the armies we can see that Good has a slight edge over Evil (14-11) and that single faction armies are by far the most popular.

Gareth Mansfield (Sunday only)

Warband 1
Leader Sauron
5x Black numenoreans
1x Mordor Troll w/ Hand and a half hammer
4x Morgul knights w/Lance
1x Morgul; Knight w/Banner and lance
8x Orc Warrior w/ spear and shield
1x Orc Warrior w/ Banner, spear and shield
4x Warg rider w/ Shield and throwing spear

25 models

Up 1st we have the Dark Lord himself (the 1st of a few appearances in his various guises). He's supported here by a Troll, some hard hitting Morgul Knights and a gang of Orcs with a couple of banners to ensure plenty of rerolls.

Bill Taylor

Warband 1
Leader - Aragorn w/anduril
4x Dead with shield
4x Dead w/shield and spear

Warband 2
King of the dead
7x Dead w/shield
6x Dead w/shield and spear
1x Dead w/ shield and banner

Warband 3
Hearld of the dead w/shield
4x riders of the dead

29 models

Up next is the Return of the King Legion. A long time favourite since it came out in Gondor at War and proving to be tough and resilient with the D8 Warriors of the Dead.

Nicky Forsythe
Dunland LL

Warband 1
Leader - Thrydan Wolfsbane on horse
7 Dunlending horsemen

Warband 2
Gorulf Ironskin
5 Dunlending warriors with shield
4 Huscarls
1 Dunlending warrior with Banner
1 Dunlending warrior with 2 handed axe

Warband 3
Frida Tallspear
4 Dunlending warriors with shield
2 Huscarls
1 Dunlending warrior with Banner
1 Crebain
1 Dunlending warrior with 2 handed axe

Warband 4
6 Wildmen
6 Wildmen with double handed weapons

Warband 5
Chieftain w Axe and Shield
3 Dunlending warriors with bow
2 Dunlending warrior with shield
1 Huscarl
1 Crebain

51 models

Another popular Legendary Legion, this time from Dunland. A 51 model horde with high strength Warriors with access to bonuses to wound and 2 large banners that promises to hit hard in the right circumstances.

Stephen Surgenor
Halls of Thranduil

Warband 1
Leader - Thranduil on horse w/circlet, extra sword and Heavy armour
2x Mirkwood Cav w/shields
Mirkwood elf w/banner and glaive
Mirkwood elf w/glaive
4x Palace gurad w/ shield
4x Palace guard w/shield and spear

Warband 2
Legolas on Horse w/elven cloak
6x Mirkwood rangers

Warband 3
Tauriel w/bow
4x Mirkwood elf w/glaive
4x Mirkwood rangers
4x Palace guard w/shield

33 Models

The 1st of many Elf based armies at this event. This Thranduil's Halls army brings all the named heroes to provide some punch.

David Coleman

Warband 1
Leader - Galadriel
8x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
1x Galadhrim Warrior w/shield, spear and banner
5x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows, spears
3x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Sentinel

Warband 2
Celeborn w/ Armour, shield sword
1x Galadhrim knight w/shield
6x Galadhrim Warriors w/shields
3x Galadhrim Warriors w/bows and spears
4x Guard of the Galadhrim court
1x Wood elf w/bow

Warband 3
Boromir of Gondor on horse w/shield

36 models

More Elves, this time of the Galadhrim variety. Guards of the Galadrim Court are excellent for providing F6 pike support, which troubles many heroes, while Galadriel provides magical support and Boromir of Gondor is a combat monster and brings 6 Might to the army.

Ivan Sheehan
Halls of Thranduil and Survivors of Laketown.

Warband 1
Leader - Thranduil, extra sword, circlet of kings, heavy armour, bow, horse.
2 mirkwood cavalry, shield.
6 mirkwood elves, shield.
5 palace guard, spear, shield.
2 sentinels.
1 elf, banner, glaive, bow.

Warband 2
Tauriel, bow.
5 elves, shield.
6 elves, glaive, bow.

Warband 3
Legolas, horse

Warband 4
Laketown survivors captain. Shield

31 models

Another Elf based army, again bringing the 3 named heroes from Thranduil's Halls. Here though a Laketown Militia Captain brings a cheap source of Might and access to Heroic March.


Peter Fenton
Return of the King LL

Warband 1
[Leader] Aragorn - Anduril, Elven Cloak
3 Riders of the Dead
4 Warriors of the Dead - Spear, Shield
3 Warriors of the Dead - Shield

Warband 2
The King of the Dead
5 Warriors of the Dead - Spear, Shield
4 Warriors of the Dead -  Shield

Warband 3
Legolas - Armour - 105
4 Warriors of the Dead - Spear, Shield
3 Warriors of the Dead - Shield

29 Models

Another Return of the King (I said it was popular). This time trading a Herald for Legolas to bring a little bit of ranged firepower to an otherwise all melee army.


Patrick Mccormick

Warband 1 (Leader):
The Witch-King of Angmar with Crown of Morgul on Horse (3M/16W/3F)                      
5x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Shields
5x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Spears 
2x Angmar Orcs with Two-Handed Picks and Picks                        
1x Angmar Warg Rider with Shield
1x Dead Marsh Spectre                                    

Warband 2:
The Tainted on Horse
4x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Shields
4x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Spears
1x Angmar Orc with Two-Handed Pick and Pick            
1x Angmar Warg Rider with Shield
1x Dead Marsh Spectre                                                                                                              
Warband 3:
Buhrdur, Troll Chieftain
4x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Shields
4x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Spears
1x Angmar Orc with Banner and Pick
1x Angmar Orc with Two-Handed Pick and Pick                                                                  

Warband 4:
Angmar Orc Captain with Pick and Shield
3x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Shields
3x Angmar Orcs with Picks and Spears                                                                                    
Warband 5
Total Units: 46

Two Wraiths and a Barrow-Wight give this Angmar army a lot of offensive magic to shutdown enemy heroes. It also means that all those Orcs will be causing Terror, making to more difficult for the opponents to engage them, especially with 2 Harbinger of Evils around.


Andrew Buckley
The Iron Hills

Warband 1
Dain ironfoot (leader) on foot
1 dwarf with banner, spear & shield
6 dwarf with sword & shield
6 dwarf with spear & shield
5 dwarf with crossbow

Warband 2
1 Dwarf captain on chariot with mattock
3 Dwarf crew with swords
1 dwarf with banner, spear & shield
3 dwarf with mattock
2 dwarf with spear & shield
4 goat riders with warspears

33 Models

Next up are the Dwarves of the Iron Hills led by Dain. Here an Iron Hills Chariot provides a big centre piece model and focus for the army.



Warband 1
Elrond w/horse, hadhafang, heavy armour, Vilya
10 knights of rivendell w/ elf bow, elven made hand and a half sword, lance and shield.
1 knight of rivendell with banner, lance.

Warband 2
LEADER- Gil Galad w/horse, aiglos, heavy armour and shield.
10 high elf warrior (Kings guard) elven hand and a half sword, shield, spear, heavy armour.
5 high elf warrior w/bow, heavy armour.

28 Models

More Elves, this time of the Rivendell variety. A large contingent of Rivendell Knights provide excellent mobility and hitting power, while F6 Elf Warriors means that the small infantry force shouldn't be overwhelmed easily.


Christopher Cornhill

Warband 1
Leader - Saruman Mounted
Uruk- Hai w/shield x8
Uruk- Hai w/pike x8
Uruk- Hai w/banner
Isengard Troll w/shield & spear

Warband 2
Uruk-Hai Captain w/shield&two handed sword
Uruk-Hai w/crossbow x6
Uruk-Hai Berserker x4
Uruk-Hai Drummer
Uruk-Hai W/banner

Model Count - 32 Models

A classic Isengard Uruk-Hai based army is next on the list. Saruman is an excellent spell caster to get some board control against enemy heroes and Uruk-Hai Warriors are dependable troops here.


Connor Whitla
Serpent Horde

(Leader) The Betrayer on Horse
4 Haradrim Warriors with Bow and Spear
3 Serpent Guard
2 Serpent Riders
1 Watcher of Karna with Bow

The Golden King of Abrakhan
3 Abrakhan Merchant Guard
2 Haradrim Warriors with Bow and Spear
3 Serpent Guard
1 Serpent Rider
2 Watchers of Karna with Twin Blades

War Mumak of Harad (Haradrim Commander) with Gnarled Hide
6 Haradrim Warriors with Bow

30 models

This Harad army is really focused upon the War Mumak and Connor will be hoping to get plenty of Tramples off with it.


David Wade
The Last Alliance

Warband 1
Elendil, High king of Gondor and Arnor (leader) Shield&horse
18 warriors of nĂºmenor; 6 bows, 6 shields, 6 Spear&shield, 1 banner

Warband 2: Rivendell
Gil-Galad, High king of the elves; Shield&horse
5 kings guard, Spear &shield
13 high elf warriors; 6 shields 1 spear , shield &banner, 6 elf bows

Models :38

Bringing both High Kings in a Last Alliance army is certainly a bold move. The use of these 2 powerhouses will be crucial to the success of this army.


Ned Merrick
Minas Tirith and Fiefdoms

Warband 1
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower with Horse; The Banner of Minas Tirith; Shield;
4 Knight of Minas Tirith with Shield
11 Guard of the Fountain Court with Shield

Warband 2
Leader - Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth with armoured horse; Lance
9 Men at Arms
5 Clansman of Lamedon

Warband 3
5 Blackroot Vale Archer
3 Blackroot Vale Archer with Spear

40 models

Boromir with Banner and Imrahil are a potent combination here, both for their own combat ability and the ability to buff the Fight Value of the Warriors around them. F6 pikes supporting a D7 front line is tasty.


Luke Wilksonson

Warband 1
Arvedui, Last King of Arnor (Leader)
14 x Warriors of Arnor
1 x Warrior of Arnor with Banner

Warband 2
Captain of Arnor with Bow
11 x Hobbit Archers With Bow
1 X Hobbit Archers with Warhorn and Bow

Warband 3
Captain of Arnor
12 x Warriors of Arnor

Warband 4
Captain of Arnor  with Bow  
2 x Rangers of Arnor with Spear and Bow Warband
5 x Rangers of Arnor with Bow

Warband 5
Malbeth the Seer
12 x  Warriors of Arnor

63 models

Sticking with the Kingdoms of Men, here we have a faction that doesn't get a lot of use, Arnor. 63 models makes this one of the biggest armies attending the event and a large number of them being F4, D6 will make this army difficult to breakdown, especially when combined with Malbeth's Foresight.


Michael Bradford
Assault on Lothlorien

Warband 1:
(Leader) Druzhag
1 x Bat Swarm
2 x Giant Spider
6 x Goblin Prowler
6 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 2:
1 x Bat Swarm
4 x Giant Spider
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow

Warband 3:
1 x Bat Swarm
1 x Orc Warrior with Banner
3 x Orc Warrior with Spear

Warband 4:
Goblin Shaman  
5 x Goblin Prowler
5 x Goblin Warrior with Spear and Bow
1 x Wild Warg

Warband 5:
Goblin Shaman
1 x Wild Warg

52 models

Assault on Lothlorien is the current new hotness assaulting the top tables and last season's League runner-up will be hoping to show why again here. This Legion has a lot of tricks up its sleeves to help it win games.


Matthew Butler
Azogs Legion

Warband 1
(Leader): Azog with Signal Tower Heavy Armour and Stone Flail
*Signal tower contains 7 lieutenants
2 Gundabad Ogres  
Troll Brute  
10 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Shields
10 Gundabad Orc Warriors with Spears (90)

31 Models

There's really only one thing to say about this list, and that's Signal Tower.


Calvin Phillips

Warband 1
Elrond Leader /w Heavy Armour and Horse
4 High Elves with Shield
4 High Elves with Spear and Shield
2 High Elves with Elf Bow
1 Rivendell knight with Shield

Warband 2
Glorfindel /w Armour of Gondolin and Asfaloth
4 High Elves with Shield
4 High Elves with Spear and Shield
1 High Elf with Banner and Shield
2 High Elves with Elf Bow
1 Rivendell knight with Shield

Warband 3
2 High Elves with Shield
2 High Elves with Spear and Shield
2 High Elves with Elf Bow

32 Models

More Elves. Including 2 of the big Rivendell heroes opens up more options and makes it harder for an opponent to deal with them.


Chris Baird
Minas Tirith

Warband 1:
Denethor (Leader)
11x Fountain Court w/ Shield

Warband 2:
Boromir w/ Banner of MT and Shield
5x Rangers w/ Spear
5x Warrior w/ Shield
3x Warrior w/ Spear and Shield

Warband 3:
Hurin w/ Horse
5x Knights w/ Shield

Warband 4:
6x Warrior w/ Shield
6x Warrior w/ Spear and Shield

45 models

Next is this large Minas Tirith army led by Denethor. Having Denethor as Leader makes it easier to protect any Leader VPs in scenarios by keeping him hidden (especially when Hurin is alive) and means that the big hitters in Boromir and Hurin can play more aggressively without risking those VPs.


David Murphy

Warband One:
The Witch-King on Angmar on horse with Morgul Crown, 3 Might, 3 Fate & 15 Will (Leader).
2x Dead Marsh Spectres.
1x Angmar Orc Warrior with banner and spear.
5x Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.
5x Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.

Warband Two:
Barrow Wight.
4x Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.
4x Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.
1x Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Three:
Barrow Wight
4x Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.
4x Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.
1x Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Four:
Angmar Orc Captain with shield.
3x Angmar Orc Warriors with shields.
3x Angmar Orc Warriors with spears.
1x Angmar Orc Warrior with two-handed weapon.

Warband Five
Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor.
2x Angmar Warg Riders with shields.

45 models

Gulavhar is rightly feared as a combat monster due to it's high Fight, Strength and Attacks, the ability to Fly and the chance to regain lost wounds. Combined with the magical support of the Witch-King and a pair of Barrow Wights to neutralise enemy threats, he'll be difficult to deal with.


Chris Gill (Sunday only)
Rise of the Necromancer LL

Warband 1:
The Necromancer of Dol Guldur Leader (Legend)
The Witch-king of Angmar
The Abyssal Knight x2
The Lingering Shadow
The Forsaken
The Dark Headsman
Castellan of Dol Goldur w/morgul blades x2

9 models

Although this army only contains 9 models the ability for the Wraiths to resurrect themselves makes it surprising resilient.


Gary Doyle

Warband 1
Sauron - Leader
11 Black Numenoreans
1 Black Numenorean w/banner
3 Mordor Ors w/spears

Warband 2
Ringwraith-2 Might 12 Will 2 Fate & Fell Beast
9 Black Numenoreans
3 Mordor Orcs with Spears

29 Models

Another Barad-Dur army, although this time with a Fellbeast instead of a Troll to back up Sauron. This list also goes heavier on the Black Numenoreans to provide a Terror causing wall, buffed by the negative Courage modifiers of Sauron and the Ring Wraith.


Connor Kerr

Warband 1
Leader - Aragorn King elessar mounted
10 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/ Shields and spears

Warband 2
Eomer, Marshall of the riddermark w/shield
Haleth Son of Hama
10 Royal guard w/throwing spears
1 Royal guard

Warband 3

Warband 4
Legolas w/armour

26 models

Here we have a Black Gate inspired Alliance with King Elessar and King Eomer each leading a contingent of their followers. A really good thematic list.


Alex Neaves
Moria featuring Spider Queen

Warband 1
2 Batswarm
7 goblins,shield
 6 goblin,bow,spear

Warband 2
9 goblin spear
2 goblins bow spear

Warband 3
Goblin shaman
2 goblins,shield
2 goblins spear

Warband 4
Goblin captain,shield
6 goblins shield
5 goblins ,spear,bow

Warband 5

Warband 6
Spider queen


Our penultimate list is this alliance between Moria and the Dark Denizens of Mirkwood. With 2 threatening monsters, a pair of Batswarms and a horde of Goblins this list has the tools to be competitive.


Michael Bunting
Rivendel and White Council

Warband 1:
Erestor ( Leader)
4 High Elf Warriors shield
4 High Elf Warriors shield and  spear
4 High Elf Warriors bow and spear

Warband 2:
Elladan And Elrohir with Heavy Armour and Bow
3 High Elf Warriors shield
4 High Elf Warriors shield and spear (One has a banner)
4 High Elf Warriors bow and spear

Warband 3:
High elf storm caller
2 high elf warrior shield
2 high elf warrior shield and spear
2 high elf warrior bow and spear

Warband 4:
Galadriel Lady of Light

34 models

And finally we have yet another Elf army. Galadriel Lady of Light used to be a staple of so many Good armies (before she was FAQed down a Heroic Tier) and here she is again, still as dangerous as ever.


So, there's all the lists, all that remains now to see who comes out on top. 

Monday 16 January 2023

IHL Newsletter - 2023 Q1

 "We meet again, at the turn of the tide. A great storm is coming, but the tide has turned."

As one year ends and another begins, so does the Irish Hobbit League season. 2021-22 goes down as the largest season so far in the league with 68 participants battling it out at 18 different tournaments. But eventually there was a winner. Taking it right down to the wire and winning he League by the finest of margins was Ivan Sheehan, who won the League Finale to pip Micheal Bradford into 2nd place, with David Coleman securing the final podium place in 3rd. Here's just a few words from the Champion himself:

Congratulations on winning your 2nd IHL title. How does it feel to be champion for a 2nd time?

[Ivan] It feels good to be honest. To know that all the practice paid off and that the plan of sticking to one army over a season really seems to be the path to success. For me at least. And to win the league versus such excellent and admirable hobbits makes it so much better.

Were there any particular standout moments or games from this league campaign?

Oh now. To pick just one is very tough. Especially in the odd double season the IHL had for itself. The league final will always stand out though. Knowing i had to win the event to win the league meant i put much more thought into my moves and games. So it will always be etched in there. A really good event.

That and dragging Ugluk to victory time and again. Sometimes while crawling him along the ground. I really have fallen in love with his Legion. Even if i still hold him in very low regard.

This is the 3rd time in a row that the title is heading south to Cork. Do you think the Corkonian dominance will continue or could we see the crown heading elsewhere in 2023?

I would really want it to come home again hah! Myself and David Coleman have the very good fortune of playing each other regularly and as they say Iron sharpens Iron. As the last 3 seasons of The IHL amply prove.

There are some promising recruits coming up in the Dublin and NI regions though. And maybe the Old Guard will be roused from their slumber and come claim what was once theirs!

What would you say to anyone thinking about getting involved in the League?

Just jump in. We do try to be as welcoming as possible. We're lovely lads and ladettes really. Even if it's just getting more active on the IHL facebook page and posting pictures of toys or your love of the lore building up to maybe going to an event once you feel more comfortable. There are more and more new people joining which each season it seems. So no better time to jump in before the rough edges get filed off all the new bloods hah!.

Thus, as at the turning of the tide, when one season finishes, another begins, and the 2023 IHL season all kicks off next week with the Battles on the Coast, an 800 point event at Exploding Dice Games in Bangor, closely followed by the Tallaght Skirmish, a 500 point one dayer at Underworld Gaming, the following week. Both these events are currently sold out, but don't worry, there's plenty of events on the way throughout the year. To give a brief rundown of the currently confirmed tournaments so far there's:

18th-19th February - Desolation of Dublin - Underworld Gaming, Dublin - Ivan Sheehan - 850 points Good vs Evil 

6th-7th May - Exploding Dice Games, Bangor - Paddy McCormick - 600 points - GBHL 90 points

3rd-4th June - Conquest of Hibernia - Underworld Gaming, Dublin - Dave Murphy - 777 points - GBHL 100 points and Ardacon Masters Qualifier

15th-16th July - Nirneath Arnoediad - Belfast Harlequins Hockey Club, Belfast - 800 points - GBHL 100 points and Ardacon Masters Qualifier

As well as a host of other events that will be confirmed over the coming weeks and months. Be sure to keep an eye on the IHL Facebook page to ensure you're kept up to date.

And with that I bid you all a very fond farewell and happy hobbying. 

Monday 9 January 2023

Annual Hobby Review (or not)

 “Even the good plans of wise wizards like Gandalf and of good friends like Elrond go astray sometimes when you are off on dangerous adventures over the Edge of the Wild, and Gandalf was a wise enough wizard to know it.”

The Edge of the Wild by Alan Lee

I was thinking about writing something along the lines of an annual hobby review as is so popular around this time of year, but actually, there's not a huge amount to review; approximately zero games of ME:SBG played, a grand total of 69 models painted across a few game systems and an overall backlog reduction of 24 models (less than half what I'd hoped for). Sure there are some nice models in there that I'm really proud of (such as my Minas Morgul Battle Company completed as part of the Community Challenge last spring), but in general the real world just got real.

The Minas Morgul Battle Company (one of the few completed projects of 2022)

Juggling a full time job and a young family ended up occupying most of my time and energy over the past year. This was maybe especially true for the last 14 months or so; a new baby boy and a few difficult medical diagnoses for my older girl involving multiple hospital visits and stays, coupled with the usual stresses of work and running a household have often left me too drained of energy (both mentally and physically) to consider lifting a paint brush or writing something for this blog. Therefore, progress has been slow on my numerous army projects; Razgush's Orcs are still missing Razgush and any beastly allies, the Knights of Gondor are still mostly horseless, the blog has had some difficult pauses with no updates etc etc. As my opening quote says, the good plans have gone astray. 

And yet, despite all these hurdles throughout the year my involvement with ME:SBG has really helped me to cope with the challenges faced by providing an excellent distraction from the general stresses and giving me a chance to relax. I start into this hobby to help me during a battle with depression back in my early 20s. Back then it was just painting a handful of historical models, almost as way to practice some form of mindfulness, focusing my attention on painting 1 model meant I wasn't focusing on everything else occupying my head. I still believe that finding some time to sit down and paint is a great way to relax and unwind, even if finding that time is increasingly difficult. 

Yet, this hobby became so much more than just painting a few models when I found the wider hobby community. Now I have so many other tools and options to help put aside the stresses for a few minutes. Whether that is through listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos or reading other blogs from the many excellent content creators out there, or interacting with fellow hobbyists on Facebook pages and private or group chats, they all help to keep the motivation going. Of all the various wargaming communities I've had interaction with over the years, I genuinely believe that the international ME:SBG one is the greatest of them all, and for that, thank you everyone. 

It's as Galadriel so accurately said, 

"Hope remains while the Company is true."